1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
    3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
    4 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification  #-}
    5 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
    6 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
    7 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
    8 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
    9 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
   10 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types                 #-}
   11 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
   12 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
   13 {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances       #-}
   14 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
   15 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
   16 #endif
   18 module Snap.Internal.Core
   19   ( MonadSnap(..)
   20   , SnapResult(..)
   21   , EscapeHttpHandler
   22   , EscapeSnap(..)
   23   , Zero(..)
   24   , Snap(..)
   25   , SnapState(..)
   26   , runRequestBody
   27   , readRequestBody
   28   , transformRequestBody
   29   , finishWith
   30   , catchFinishWith
   31   , pass
   32   , method
   33   , methods
   34   , updateContextPath
   35   , pathWith
   36   , dir
   37   , path
   38   , pathArg
   39   , ifTop
   40   , sget
   41   , smodify
   42   , getRequest
   43   , getResponse
   44   , getsRequest
   45   , getsResponse
   46   , putRequest
   47   , putResponse
   48   , modifyRequest
   49   , modifyResponse
   50   , redirect
   51   , redirect'
   52   , logError
   53   , addToOutput
   54   , writeBuilder
   55   , writeBS
   56   , writeLBS
   57   , writeText
   58   , writeLazyText
   59   , sendFile
   60   , sendFilePartial
   61   , localRequest
   62   , withRequest
   63   , withResponse
   64   , ipHeaderFilter
   65   , ipHeaderFilter'
   66   , bracketSnap
   67   , NoHandlerException(..)
   68   , terminateConnection
   69   , escapeHttp
   70   , runSnap
   71   , fixupResponse
   72   , evalSnap
   73   , getParamFrom
   74   , getParam
   75   , getPostParam
   76   , getQueryParam
   77   , getParams
   78   , getPostParams
   79   , getQueryParams
   80   , getCookie
   81   , readCookie
   82   , expireCookie
   83   , setTimeout
   84   , extendTimeout
   85   , modifyTimeout
   86   , getTimeoutModifier
   87   , module Snap.Internal.Http.Types
   88   ) where
   90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   91 import           Control.Applicative                (Alternative ((<|>), empty), Applicative ((<*>), pure), (<$>))
   92 import           Control.Exception.Lifted           (ErrorCall (..), Exception, Handler (..), SomeException (..), catch, catches, mask, onException, throwIO)
   93 import           Control.Monad                      (Functor (..), Monad (..), MonadPlus (..), ap, liftM, unless, (=<<))
   94 import           Control.Monad.Base                 (MonadBase (..))
   95 import           Control.Monad.IO.Class             (MonadIO (..))
   96 import           Control.Monad.Trans.Control        (MonadBaseControl (..))
   97 import           Control.Monad.Trans.State          (StateT (..))
   98 import           Data.ByteString.Builder            (Builder, byteString, lazyByteString)
   99 import           Data.ByteString.Char8              (ByteString)
  100 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8              as S (break, concat, drop, dropWhile, intercalate, length, take, takeWhile)
  101 import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal           as S (create)
  102 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8         as L (ByteString, fromChunks)
  103 import           Data.CaseInsensitive               (CI)
  104 import           Data.Maybe                         (Maybe (..), listToMaybe, maybe)
  105 import qualified Data.Text                          as T (Text)
  106 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T (encodeUtf8)
  107 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LT (encodeUtf8)
  108 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy                     as LT (Text)
  109 import           Data.Time                          (Day (ModifiedJulianDay), UTCTime (UTCTime))
  110 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
  111 import           Data.Typeable                      (TyCon, Typeable, Typeable1 (..), mkTyCon3, mkTyConApp)
  112 #else
  113 import           Data.Typeable                      (Typeable)
  114 #endif
  115 import           Data.Word                          (Word64, Word8)
  116 import           Foreign.Ptr                        (Ptr, plusPtr)
  117 import           Foreign.Storable                   (poke)
  118 import           Prelude                            (Bool (..), Either (..), Eq (..), FilePath, IO, Int, Num (..), Ord (..), Show (..), String, const, divMod, elem, filter, fromIntegral, id, map, max, otherwise, quot, ($), ($!), (++), (.), (||))
  119 import           System.IO.Streams                  (InputStream, OutputStream)
  120 import qualified System.IO.Streams                  as Streams
  121 import           System.Posix.Types                 (FileOffset)
  122 import           System.PosixCompat.Files           (fileSize, getFileStatus)
  123 #if !MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,6)
  124 import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal           as S (inlinePerformIO)
  125 #else
  126 import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal           as S (accursedUnutterablePerformIO)
  127 #endif
  128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129 import qualified Data.Readable                      as R
  130 import           Snap.Internal.Http.Types           (Cookie (..), HasHeaders (..), HttpVersion, Method (..), Params, Request (..), Response (..), ResponseBody (..), StreamProc, addHeader, addResponseCookie, clearContentLength, deleteHeader, deleteResponseCookie, emptyResponse, formatHttpTime, formatLogTime, getHeader, getResponseCookie, getResponseCookies, listHeaders, modifyResponseBody, modifyResponseCookie, normalizeMethod, parseHttpTime, rqModifyParams, rqParam, rqPostParam, rqQueryParam, rqSetParam, rspBodyMap, rspBodyToEnum, setContentLength, setContentType, setHeader, setResponseBody, setResponseCode, setResponseStatus, statusReasonMap)
  131 import           Snap.Internal.Parsing              (urlDecode)
  132 import qualified Snap.Types.Headers                 as H
  133 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137 -- | 'MonadSnap' is a type class, analogous to 'MonadIO' for 'IO', that makes it
  138 -- easy to wrap 'Snap' inside monad transformers.
  139 class (Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadPlus m, Functor m,
  140        Applicative m, Alternative m) => MonadSnap m where
  141   -- | Lift a computation from the 'Snap' monad.
  142   liftSnap :: Snap a -> m a
  145 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  146 data SnapResult a = SnapValue a
  147                   | Zero Zero
  150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  151 -- | Type of external handler passed to 'escapeHttp'.
  152 type EscapeHttpHandler =  ((Int -> Int) -> IO ())    -- ^ timeout modifier
  153                        -> InputStream ByteString     -- ^ socket read end
  154                        -> OutputStream Builder       -- ^ socket write end
  155                        -> IO ()
  158 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159 -- | Used internally to implement 'escapeHttp'.
  160 data EscapeSnap = TerminateConnection SomeException
  161                 | EscapeHttp EscapeHttpHandler
  162   deriving (Typeable)
  164 instance Exception EscapeSnap
  166 instance Show EscapeSnap where
  167     show (TerminateConnection e) = "<terminated: " ++ show e ++ ">"
  168     show (EscapeHttp _)          = "<escape http>"
  171 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  172 data Zero = PassOnProcessing
  173           | EarlyTermination Response
  174           | EscapeSnap EscapeSnap
  176                              --------------------
  177                              -- The Snap Monad --
  178                              --------------------
  179 {-|
  180 'Snap' is the 'Monad' that user web handlers run in. 'Snap' gives you:
  182 1. Stateful access to fetch or modify an HTTP 'Request'.
  184     @
  185     printRqContextPath :: Snap ()
  186     printRqContextPath = 'writeBS' . 'rqContextPath' =<< 'getRequest'
  187     @
  189 2. Stateful access to fetch or modify an HTTP 'Response'.
  191     @
  192     printRspStatusReason :: Snap ()
  193     printRspStatusReason = 'writeBS' . 'rspStatusReason' =<< 'getResponse'
  194     @
  196 3. Failure \/ 'Alternative' \/ 'MonadPlus' semantics: a 'Snap' handler can
  197 choose not to handle a given request, using 'empty' or its synonym 'pass', and
  198 you can try alternative handlers with the '<|>' operator:
  200     @
  201     a :: Snap String
  202     a = 'pass'
  204     b :: Snap String
  205     b = return \"foo\"
  207     c :: Snap String
  208     c = a '<|>' b             -- try running a, if it fails then try b
  209     @
  211 4. Convenience functions ('writeBS', 'writeLBS', 'writeText', 'writeLazyText',
  212 'addToOutput') for queueing output to be written to the 'Response', or for
  213 streaming to the response using
  214 <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/io-streams io-streams>:
  216     @
  217     example :: ('OutputStream' 'Builder' -> IO ('OutputStream' 'Builder')) -> Snap ()
  218     example streamProc = do
  219         'writeBS'   \"I\'m a strict bytestring\"
  220         'writeLBS'  \"I\'m a lazy bytestring\"
  221         'writeText' \"I\'m strict text\"
  222         'addToOutput' streamProc
  223     @
  225 5. Early termination: if you call 'finishWith':
  227     @
  228     a :: Snap ()
  229     a = do
  230         'modifyResponse' $ 'setResponseStatus' 500 \"Internal Server Error\"
  231         'writeBS' \"500 error\"
  232         r <- 'getResponse'
  233         'finishWith' r
  234     @
  236     then any subsequent processing will be skipped and the supplied 'Response'
  237     value will be returned from 'runSnap' as-is.
  239 6. Access to the 'IO' monad through a 'MonadIO' instance:
  241     @
  242     a :: Snap ()
  243     a = 'liftIO' fireTheMissiles
  244     @
  246 7. The ability to set or extend a timeout which will kill the handler thread
  247 after @N@ seconds of inactivity (the default is 20 seconds):
  249     @
  250     a :: Snap ()
  251     a = 'setTimeout' 30
  252     @
  254 8. Throw and catch exceptions using a 'MonadBaseControl' instance:
  256     @
  257     import "Control.Exception.Lifted" ('SomeException', 'throwIO', 'catch')
  259     foo :: Snap ()
  260     foo = bar \`catch\` \(e::'SomeException') -> baz
  261       where
  262         bar = 'throwIO' FooException
  263     @
  265 9. Log a message to the error log:
  267     @
  268     foo :: Snap ()
  269     foo = 'logError' \"grumble.\"
  270     @
  271 -}
  273 -- Haddock comment broken in two to work around https://github.com/haskell/haddock/issues/313
  275 -- | You may notice that most of the type signatures in this module contain a
  276 -- @('MonadSnap' m) => ...@ typeclass constraint. 'MonadSnap' is a typeclass
  277 -- which, in essence, says \"you can get back to the 'Snap' monad from
  278 -- here\". Using 'MonadSnap' you can extend the 'Snap' monad with additional
  279 -- functionality and still have access to most of the 'Snap' functions without
  280 -- writing 'Control.Monad.Trans.Class.lift' everywhere. Instances are already
  281 -- provided for most of the common monad transformers
  282 -- ('Control.Monad.Trans.Reader.ReaderT', 'Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.WriterT',
  283 -- 'Control.Monad.Trans.State.StateT', etc.).
  284 newtype Snap a = Snap {
  285       unSnap :: forall r . (a -> SnapState -> IO r)   -- success continuation
  286              -> (Zero -> SnapState -> IO r)           -- mzero continuation
  287              -> SnapState                             -- state for the monad
  288              -> IO r
  289     }
  292 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  293 data SnapState = SnapState
  294     { _snapRequest       :: Request
  295     , _snapResponse      :: Response
  296     , _snapLogError      :: ByteString -> IO ()
  297     , _snapModifyTimeout :: (Int -> Int) -> IO ()
  298     }
  300 -- TODO(greg): error log action and timeout modifier are never modified.
  301 -- Splitting them out into their own datatype would save 16 bytes of allocation
  302 -- every time you modify the request or response, but would gobble a register.
  303 -- Benchmark it both ways.
  305 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  306 instance Monad Snap where
  307     (>>=)  = snapBind
  308     return = snapReturn
  309     fail   = snapFail
  312 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  313 snapBind :: Snap a -> (a -> Snap b) -> Snap b
  314 snapBind m f = Snap $ \sk fk st -> unSnap m (\a st' -> unSnap (f a) sk fk st') fk st
  315 {-# INLINE snapBind #-}
  318 snapReturn :: a -> Snap a
  319 snapReturn = pure
  320 {-# INLINE snapReturn #-}
  323 snapFail :: String -> Snap a
  324 snapFail !_ = Snap $ \_ fk st -> fk PassOnProcessing st
  325 {-# INLINE snapFail #-}
  328 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  329 instance MonadIO Snap where
  330     liftIO m = Snap $ \sk _ st -> do x <- m
  331                                      sk x st
  334 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  335 instance (MonadBase IO) Snap where
  336     liftBase = liftIO
  339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  340 newtype StSnap a = StSnap {
  341       unStSnap :: StM (StateT SnapState IO) (SnapResult a)
  342     }
  344 instance (MonadBaseControl IO) Snap where
  345     type StM Snap a = StSnap a
  347     liftBaseWith f = stateTToSnap $ liftM SnapValue $
  348                      liftBaseWith $ \g' -> f $ \m ->
  349                      liftM StSnap $ g' $ snapToStateT m
  350     {-# INLINE liftBaseWith #-}
  352     restoreM = stateTToSnap . restoreM . unStSnap
  353     {-# INLINE restoreM #-}
  355 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  356 snapToStateT :: Snap a -> StateT SnapState IO (SnapResult a)
  357 snapToStateT m = StateT $ \st -> do
  358     unSnap m (\a st' -> return (SnapValue a, st'))
  359              (\z st' -> return (Zero z, st')) st
  360 {-# INLINE snapToStateT #-}
  363 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  364 {-# INLINE stateTToSnap #-}
  365 stateTToSnap :: StateT SnapState IO (SnapResult a) -> Snap a
  366 stateTToSnap m = Snap $ \sk fk st -> do
  367     (a, st') <- runStateT m st
  368     case a of
  369       SnapValue x -> sk x st'
  370       Zero z      -> fk z st'
  373 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  374 instance MonadPlus Snap where
  375     mzero = Snap $ \_ fk st -> fk PassOnProcessing st
  377     a `mplus` b =
  378         Snap $ \sk fk st ->
  379             let fk' z st' = case z of
  380                               PassOnProcessing -> unSnap b sk fk st'
  381                               _                -> fk z st'
  382             in unSnap a sk fk' st
  385 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  386 instance Functor Snap where
  387     fmap f m = Snap $ \sk fk st -> unSnap m (sk . f) fk st
  389 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  390 instance Applicative Snap where
  391     pure x  = Snap $ \sk _ st -> sk x st
  392     (<*>)   = ap
  395 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  396 instance Alternative Snap where
  397     empty = mzero
  398     (<|>) = mplus
  401 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  402 instance MonadSnap Snap where
  403     liftSnap = id
  406 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  407 -- | The Typeable instance is here so Snap can be dynamically executed with
  408 -- Hint.
  409 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
  410 snapTyCon :: TyCon
  411 #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
  412 snapTyCon = mkTyCon3 "snap-core" "Snap.Core" "Snap"
  413 #else
  414 snapTyCon = mkTyCon "Snap.Core.Snap"
  415 #endif
  416 {-# NOINLINE snapTyCon #-}
  418 instance Typeable1 Snap where
  419     typeOf1 _ = mkTyConApp snapTyCon []
  420 #else
  421 deriving instance Typeable Snap
  422 #endif
  424 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  425 -- | Pass the request body stream to a consuming procedure, returning the
  426 -- result.
  427 --
  428 -- If the consuming procedure you pass in here throws an exception, Snap will
  429 -- attempt to clear the rest of the unread request body (using
  430 -- 'System.IO.Streams.Combinators.skipToEof') before rethrowing the
  431 -- exception. If you used 'terminateConnection', however, Snap will give up and
  432 -- immediately close the socket.
  433 --
  434 -- To prevent slowloris attacks, the connection will be also terminated if the
  435 -- input socket produces data too slowly (500 bytes per second is the default
  436 -- limit).
  437 --
  438 -- Example:
  439 --
  440 -- @
  441 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  442 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8
  443 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Lazy" as L
  444 -- ghci> import "Data.Char" (toUpper)
  445 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  446 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  447 -- ghci> import qualified "System.IO.Streams" as Streams
  448 -- ghci> let r = T.put \"\/foo\" \"text\/plain\" \"some text\"
  449 -- ghci> :{
  450 -- ghci| let f s = do u \<- Streams.map (B8.map toUpper) s
  451 -- ghci|              l \<- Streams.toList u
  452 -- ghci|              return $ L.fromChunks l
  453 -- ghci| :}
  454 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('runRequestBody' f >>= 'writeLBS')
  455 -- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  456 -- server: Snap/test
  457 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 20:48:40 GMT
  458 --
  459 -- SOME TEXT
  460 -- @
  461 runRequestBody :: MonadSnap m =>
  462                   (InputStream ByteString -> IO a)
  463                -> m a
  464 runRequestBody proc = do
  465     bumpTimeout <- liftM ($ max 5) getTimeoutModifier
  466     req         <- getRequest
  467     body        <- liftIO $ Streams.throwIfTooSlow bumpTimeout 500 5 $
  468                             rqBody req
  469     run body
  471   where
  472     skip body = liftIO (Streams.skipToEof body) `catch` tooSlow
  474     tooSlow (e :: Streams.RateTooSlowException) =
  475         terminateConnection e
  477     run body = (liftIO $ do
  478         x <- proc body
  479         Streams.skipToEof body
  480         return x) `catches` handlers
  481       where
  482         handlers = [ Handler tooSlow, Handler other ]
  483         other (e :: SomeException) = skip body >> throwIO e
  486 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  487 -- | Returns the request body as a lazy bytestring. /Note that the request is
  488 -- not actually provided lazily!/
  489 --
  490 -- Example:
  491 --
  492 -- @
  493 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  494 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  495 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  496 -- ghci> let r = T.put \"\/foo\" \"text\/plain\" \"some text\"
  497 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('readRequestBody' 2048 >>= 'writeLBS')
  498 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  499 -- server: Snap\/test
  500 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 20:08:44 GMT
  501 --
  502 -- some text
  503 -- @
  504 --
  505 -- /Since: 0.6/
  506 readRequestBody :: MonadSnap m =>
  507                    Word64  -- ^ size of the largest request body we're willing
  508                            -- to accept. If a request body longer than this is
  509                            -- received, a 'TooManyBytesReadException' is
  510                            -- thrown. See 'takeNoMoreThan'.
  511                 -> m L.ByteString
  512 readRequestBody sz = liftM L.fromChunks $ runRequestBody f
  513   where
  514     f str = Streams.throwIfProducesMoreThan (fromIntegral sz) str >>=
  515             Streams.toList
  518 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  519 -- | Normally Snap is careful to ensure that the request body is fully
  520 -- consumed after your web handler runs, but before the 'Response' body
  521 -- is streamed out the socket. If you want to transform the request body into
  522 -- some output in O(1) space, you should use this function.
  523 --
  524 -- Take care: in order for this to work, the HTTP client must be written with
  525 -- input-to-output streaming in mind.
  526 --
  527 -- Note that upon calling this function, response processing finishes early as
  528 -- if you called 'finishWith'. Make sure you set any content types, headers,
  529 -- cookies, etc. before you call this function.
  530 --
  531 -- Example:
  532 --
  533 -- @
  534 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  535 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8
  536 -- ghci> import "Data.Char" (toUpper)
  537 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  538 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  539 -- ghci> import qualified "System.IO.Streams" as Streams
  540 -- ghci> let r = T.put \"\/foo\" \"text\/plain\" \"some text\"
  541 -- ghci> let f = Streams.map (B8.map toUpper)
  542 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('transformRequestBody' f >> 'readRequestBody' 2048 >>= 'writeLBS')
  543 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  544 -- server: Snap\/test
  545 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 20:30:15 GMT
  546 --
  547 -- SOME TEXT
  548 -- @
  549 transformRequestBody :: (InputStream ByteString -> IO (InputStream ByteString))
  550                          -- ^ the 'InputStream' from the 'Request' is passed to
  551                          -- this function, and then the resulting 'InputStream'
  552                          -- is fed to the output.
  553                      -> Snap ()
  554 transformRequestBody trans = do
  555     req     <- getRequest
  556     is      <- liftIO ((trans $ rqBody req) >>=
  557                          Streams.mapM (return . byteString))
  558     origRsp <- getResponse
  559     let rsp = setResponseBody (\out -> Streams.connect is out >> return out) $
  560               origRsp { rspTransformingRqBody = True }
  561     finishWith rsp
  564 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  565 -- | Short-circuits a 'Snap' monad action early, storing the given
  566 -- 'Response' value in its state.
  567 --
  568 -- IMPORTANT: Be vary careful when using this with things like a DB library's
  569 -- `withTransaction` function or any other kind of setup/teardown block, as it
  570 -- can prevent the cleanup from being called and result in resource leaks.
  571 --
  572 -- Example:
  573 --
  574 -- @
  575 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  576 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  577 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  578 -- ghci> import "Control.Applicative"
  579 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/\" M.empty
  580 -- ghci> T.runHandler r (('ifTop' $ 'writeBS' \"TOP\") \<|> 'finishWith' 'emptyResponse')
  581 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  582 -- server: Snap\/test
  583 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 16:58:57 GMT
  584 --
  585 -- TOP
  586 -- ghci> let r\' = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
  587 -- ghci> T.runHandler r\' (('ifTop' $ 'writeBS' \"TOP\") \<|> 'finishWith' 'emptyResponse')
  588 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  589 -- server: Snap\/test
  590 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 17:50:50 GMT
  591 --
  592 --
  593 -- @
  594 finishWith :: MonadSnap m => Response -> m a
  595 finishWith r = liftSnap $ Snap $ \_ fk st -> fk (EarlyTermination r) st
  596 {-# INLINE finishWith #-}
  599 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  600 -- | Capture the flow of control in case a handler calls 'finishWith'.
  601 --
  602 -- /WARNING/: in the event of a call to 'transformRequestBody' it is possible
  603 -- to violate HTTP protocol safety when using this function. If you call
  604 -- 'catchFinishWith' it is suggested that you do not modify the body of the
  605 -- 'Response' which was passed to the 'finishWith' call.
  606 --
  607 -- Example:
  608 --
  609 -- @
  610 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  611 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8
  612 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  613 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  614 -- ghci> import "Control.Applicative"
  615 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
  616 -- ghci> let h = ('ifTop' $ 'writeBS' \"TOP\") \<|> 'finishWith' 'emptyResponse'
  617 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('catchFinishWith' h >>= 'writeBS' . B8.pack . show)
  618 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  619 -- server: Snap\/test
  620 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 18:35:42 GMT
  621 --
  622 -- Left HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  623 --
  624 --
  625 -- @
  626 catchFinishWith :: Snap a -> Snap (Either Response a)
  627 catchFinishWith (Snap m) = Snap $ \sk fk st -> do
  628     let sk' v s = sk (Right v) s
  629     let fk' z s = case z of
  630                     (EarlyTermination resp) -> sk (Left resp) s
  631                     _                       -> fk z s
  632     m sk' fk' st
  633 {-# INLINE catchFinishWith #-}
  636 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  637 -- | Fails out of a 'Snap' monad action.  This is used to indicate
  638 -- that you choose not to handle the given request within the given
  639 -- handler.
  640 --
  641 -- Example:
  642 --
  643 -- @
  644 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  645 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  646 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  647 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
  648 -- ghci> T.runHandler r 'pass'
  649 -- HTTP\/1.1 404 Not Found
  650 -- server: Snap\/test
  651 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 13:35:42 GMT
  652 --
  653 -- \<!DOCTYPE html>
  654 -- \<html>
  655 -- \<head>
  656 -- \<title>Not found\<\/title>
  657 -- \<\/head>
  658 -- \<body>
  659 -- \<code>No handler accepted \"\/foo\/bar\"<\/code>
  660 -- \<\/body>\<\/html>
  661 -- @
  662 pass :: MonadSnap m => m a
  663 pass = empty
  666 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  667 -- | Runs a 'Snap' monad action only if the request's HTTP method matches
  668 -- the given method.
  669 --
  670 -- Example:
  671 --
  672 -- @
  673 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  674 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  675 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  676 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
  677 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('method' 'GET' $ 'writeBS' \"OK\")
  678 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  679 -- server: Snap\/test
  680 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 13:38:48 GMT
  681 --
  682 -- OK
  683 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('method' 'POST' $ 'writeBS' \"OK\")
  684 -- HTTP\/1.1 404 Not Found
  685 -- ...
  686 -- @
  687 method :: MonadSnap m => Method -> m a -> m a
  688 method m action = do
  689     req <- getRequest
  690     unless (rqMethod req == m) pass
  691     action
  692 {-# INLINE method #-}
  695 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  696 -- | Runs a 'Snap' monad action only if the request's HTTP method matches
  697 -- one of the given methods.
  698 --
  699 -- Example:
  700 --
  701 -- @
  702 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  703 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  704 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  705 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
  706 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('methods' ['GET', 'POST'] $ 'writeBS' \"OK\")
  707 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  708 -- server: Snap\/test
  709 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 13:38:48 GMT
  710 --
  711 -- OK
  712 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('methods' ['POST'] $ 'writeBS' \"OK\")
  713 -- HTTP\/1.1 404 Not Found
  714 -- ...
  715 -- @
  716 methods :: MonadSnap m => [Method] -> m a -> m a
  717 methods ms action = do
  718     req <- getRequest
  719     unless (rqMethod req `elem` ms) pass
  720     action
  721 {-# INLINE methods #-}
  724 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  725 -- Appends n bytes of the path info to the context path with a
  726 -- trailing slash.
  727 updateContextPath :: Int -> Request -> Request
  728 updateContextPath n req | n > 0     = req { rqContextPath = ctx
  729                                           , rqPathInfo    = pinfo }
  730                         | otherwise = req
  731   where
  732     ctx'  = S.take n (rqPathInfo req)
  733     ctx   = S.concat [rqContextPath req, ctx', "/"]
  734     pinfo = S.drop (n+1) (rqPathInfo req)
  737 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  738 -- Runs a 'Snap' monad action only if the 'rqPathInfo' matches the given
  739 -- predicate.
  740 pathWith :: MonadSnap m
  741          => (ByteString -> ByteString -> Bool)
  742          -> ByteString
  743          -> m a
  744          -> m a
  745 pathWith c p action = do
  746     req <- getRequest
  747     unless (c p (rqPathInfo req)) pass
  748     localRequest (updateContextPath $ S.length p) action
  751 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  752 -- | Runs a 'Snap' monad action only when the 'rqPathInfo' of the request
  753 -- starts with the given path. For example,
  754 --
  755 -- > dir "foo" handler
  756 --
  757 -- Will fail if 'rqPathInfo' is not \"@\/foo@\" or \"@\/foo\/...@\", and will
  758 -- add @\"foo\/\"@ to the handler's local 'rqContextPath'.
  759 --
  760 -- Example:
  761 --
  762 -- @
  763 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  764 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  765 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  766 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
  767 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('dir' \"foo\" $ 'writeBS' \"OK\")
  768 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  769 -- server: Snap\/test
  770 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 14:52:24 GMT
  771 --
  772 -- OK
  773 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('dir' \"baz\" $ 'writeBS' \"OK\")
  774 -- HTTP\/1.1 404 Not Found
  775 -- ...
  776 -- @
  777 dir :: MonadSnap m
  778     => ByteString  -- ^ path component to match
  779     -> m a         -- ^ handler to run
  780     -> m a
  781 dir = pathWith f
  782   where
  783     f dr pinfo = dr == x
  784       where
  785         (x,_) = S.break (=='/') pinfo
  786 {-# INLINE dir #-}
  789 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  790 -- | Runs a 'Snap' monad action only for requests where 'rqPathInfo' is
  791 -- exactly equal to the given string. If the path matches, locally sets
  792 -- 'rqContextPath' to the old value of 'rqPathInfo', sets 'rqPathInfo'=\"\",
  793 -- and runs the given handler.
  794 --
  795 -- Example:
  796 --
  797 -- @
  798 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  799 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  800 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  801 -- ghci> T.runHandler (T.get \"\/foo\" M.empty) ('path' \"foo\" $ 'writeBS' \"bar\")
  802 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  803 -- server: Snap\/test
  804 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 14:15:42 GMT
  805 --
  806 -- bar
  807 -- ghci> T.runHandler (T.get \"\/foo\" M.empty) ('path' \"bar\" $ 'writeBS' \"baz\")
  808 -- HTTP\/1.1 404 Not Found
  809 -- ...
  810 -- @
  811 path :: MonadSnap m
  812      => ByteString  -- ^ path to match against
  813      -> m a         -- ^ handler to run
  814      -> m a
  815 path = pathWith (==)
  816 {-# INLINE path #-}
  819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  820 -- | Runs a 'Snap' monad action only when the first path component is
  821 -- successfully parsed as the argument to the supplied handler function.
  822 --
  823 -- Note that the path segment is url-decoded prior to being passed to 'fromBS';
  824 -- this is new as of snap-core 0.10.
  825 --
  826 -- Example:
  827 --
  828 -- @
  829 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  830 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  831 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  832 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/11\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
  833 -- ghci> let f = (\\i -> if i == 11 then 'writeBS' \"11\" else 'writeBS' \"???\")
  834 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('pathArg' f)
  835 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  836 -- server: Snap\/test
  837 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 14:27:10 GMT
  838 --
  839 -- 11
  840 -- ghci> let r\' = T.get \"\/foo\/11\/bar\" M.empty
  841 -- ghci> T.runHandler r\' ('pathArg' f)
  842 -- HTTP\/1.1 404 Not Found
  843 -- ...
  844 -- @
  845 pathArg :: (R.Readable a, MonadSnap m)
  846         => (a -> m b)
  847         -> m b
  848 pathArg f = do
  849     req <- getRequest
  850     let (p,_) = S.break (=='/') (rqPathInfo req)
  851     p' <- maybe mzero return $ urlDecode p
  852     a <- R.fromBS p'
  853     localRequest (updateContextPath $ S.length p) (f a)
  856 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  857 -- | Runs a 'Snap' monad action only when 'rqPathInfo' is empty.
  858 --
  859 -- Example:
  860 --
  861 -- @
  862 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  863 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  864 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  865 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/\" M.empty
  866 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('ifTop' $ 'writeBS' "OK")
  867 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  868 -- server: Snap\/test
  869 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 14:56:39 GMT
  870 --
  871 -- OK
  872 -- ghci> let r\' = T.get \"\/foo\" M.empty
  873 -- ghci> T.runHandler r\' ('ifTop' $ 'writeBS' \"OK\")
  874 -- HTTP\/1.1 404 Not Found
  875 -- ...
  876 -- @
  877 ifTop :: MonadSnap m => m a -> m a
  878 ifTop = path ""
  879 {-# INLINE ifTop #-}
  882 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  883 -- | Local Snap version of 'get'.
  884 sget :: Snap SnapState
  885 sget = Snap $ \sk _ st -> sk st st
  886 {-# INLINE sget #-}
  889 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  890 -- | Local Snap monad version of 'modify'.
  891 smodify :: (SnapState -> SnapState) -> Snap ()
  892 smodify f = Snap $ \sk _ st -> sk () (f st)
  893 {-# INLINE smodify #-}
  896 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  897 -- | Grabs the 'Request' object out of the 'Snap' monad.
  898 --
  899 -- Example:
  900 --
  901 -- @
  902 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  903 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  904 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  905 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
  906 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('writeBS' . 'rqURI' =\<\< 'getRequest')
  907 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  908 -- server: Snap\/test
  909 -- date: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 07:51:54 GMT
  910 --
  911 -- \/foo\/bar
  912 -- @
  913 getRequest :: MonadSnap m => m Request
  914 getRequest = liftSnap $ liftM _snapRequest sget
  915 {-# INLINE getRequest #-}
  918 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  919 -- | Grabs something out of the 'Request' object, using the given projection
  920 -- function. See 'gets'.
  921 --
  922 -- Example:
  923 --
  924 -- @
  925 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  926 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  927 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  928 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
  929 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('writeBS' =\<\< 'getsRequest' 'rqURI')
  930 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  931 -- server: Snap\/test
  932 -- date: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 07:51:54 GMT
  933 --
  934 -- \/foo\/bar
  935 -- @
  936 getsRequest :: MonadSnap m => (Request -> a) -> m a
  937 getsRequest f = liftSnap $ liftM (f . _snapRequest) sget
  938 {-# INLINE getsRequest #-}
  941 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  942 -- | Grabs the 'Response' object out of the 'Snap' monad.
  943 --
  944 -- Example:
  945 --
  946 -- @
  947 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  948 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  949 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  950 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
  951 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('writeBS' . 'rspStatusReason' =\<\< 'getResponse')
  952 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  953 -- server: Snap\/test
  954 -- date: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 15:06:00 GMT
  955 --
  956 -- OK
  957 -- @
  958 getResponse :: MonadSnap m => m Response
  959 getResponse = liftSnap $ liftM _snapResponse sget
  960 {-# INLINE getResponse #-}
  963 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  964 -- | Grabs something out of the 'Response' object, using the given projection
  965 -- function. See 'gets'.
  966 --
  967 -- Example:
  968 --
  969 -- @
  970 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  971 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  972 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  973 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
  974 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('writeBS' =\<\< 'getsResponse' 'rspStatusReason')
  975 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  976 -- server: Snap\/test
  977 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 13:35:45 GMT
  978 --
  979 -- OK
  980 -- @
  981 getsResponse :: MonadSnap m => (Response -> a) -> m a
  982 getsResponse f = liftSnap $ liftM (f . _snapResponse) sget
  983 {-# INLINE getsResponse #-}
  986 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  987 -- | Puts a new 'Response' object into the 'Snap' monad.
  988 --
  989 -- Example:
  990 --
  991 -- @
  992 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  993 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  994 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
  995 -- ghci> let rsp = 'setResponseCode' 404 'emptyResponse'
  996 -- ghci> let req = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
  997 -- ghci> T.runHandler req ('putResponse' rsp)
  998 -- HTTP\/1.1 404 Not Found
  999 -- server: Snap\/test
 1000 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 13:59:58 GMT
 1001 --
 1002 --
 1003 -- @
 1004 putResponse :: MonadSnap m => Response -> m ()
 1005 putResponse r = liftSnap $ smodify $ \ss -> ss { _snapResponse = r }
 1006 {-# INLINE putResponse #-}
 1009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1010 -- | Puts a new 'Request' object into the 'Snap' monad.
 1011 -- Example:
 1012 --
 1013 -- @
 1014 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1015 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1016 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1017 -- ghci> :{
 1018 -- ghci| let hndlr = do rq \<- T.buildRequest (T.get \"\/bar\/foo\" M.empty)
 1019 -- ghci|                'putRequest' rq
 1020 -- ghci|                uri\' \<- 'getsRequest' 'rqURI'
 1021 -- ghci|                'writeBS' uri\'
 1022 -- ghci| :}
 1023 -- ghci> T.runHandler (T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty) hndlr
 1024 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1025 -- server: Snap\/test
 1026 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:13:46 GMT
 1027 --
 1028 -- \/bar\/foo
 1029 -- @
 1030 putRequest :: MonadSnap m => Request -> m ()
 1031 putRequest r = liftSnap $ smodify $ \ss -> ss { _snapRequest = r }
 1032 {-# INLINE putRequest #-}
 1035 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1036 -- | Modifies the 'Request' object stored in a 'Snap' monad.
 1037 -- Example:
 1038 --
 1039 -- @
 1040 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1041 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1042 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1043 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1044 -- ghci> r\' \<- T.buildRequest $ T.get \"\/bar\/foo\" M.empty
 1045 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('modifyRequest' (const r\') >> 'getsRequest' 'rqURI' >>= 'writeBS')
 1046 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1047 -- server: Snap\/test
 1048 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:24:25 GMT
 1049 --
 1050 -- \/bar\/foo
 1051 -- @
 1052 modifyRequest :: MonadSnap m => (Request -> Request) -> m ()
 1053 modifyRequest f = liftSnap $
 1054     smodify $ \ss -> ss { _snapRequest = f $ _snapRequest ss }
 1055 {-# INLINE modifyRequest #-}
 1058 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1059 -- | Modifes the 'Response' object stored in a 'Snap' monad.
 1060 -- Example:
 1061 --
 1062 -- @
 1063 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1064 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1065 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1066 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1067 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('modifyResponse' $ 'setResponseCode' 404)
 1068 -- HTTP\/1.1 404 Not Found
 1069 -- server: Snap\/test
 1070 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:27:11 GMT
 1071 --
 1072 --
 1073 -- @
 1074 modifyResponse :: MonadSnap m => (Response -> Response) -> m ()
 1075 modifyResponse f = liftSnap $
 1076      smodify $ \ss -> ss { _snapResponse = f $ _snapResponse ss }
 1077 {-# INLINE modifyResponse #-}
 1080 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1081 -- | Performs a redirect by setting the @Location@ header to the given target
 1082 -- URL/path and the status code to 302 in the 'Response' object stored in a
 1083 -- 'Snap' monad. Note that the target URL is not validated in any way.
 1084 -- Consider using 'redirect'' instead, which allows you to choose the correct
 1085 -- status code.
 1086 --
 1087 -- Example:
 1088 --
 1089 -- @
 1090 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1091 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1092 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1093 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1094 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('redirect' \"http:\/\/snapframework.com\")
 1095 -- HTTP\/1.1 302 Found
 1096 -- content-length: 0
 1097 -- location: http:\/\/snapframework.com
 1098 -- server: Snap\/test
 1099 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 08:52:11 GMT
 1100 -- Content-Length: 0
 1101 --
 1102 --
 1103 -- @
 1104 redirect :: MonadSnap m => ByteString -> m a
 1105 redirect target = redirect' target 302
 1106 {-# INLINE redirect #-}
 1109 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1110 -- | Performs a redirect by setting the @Location@ header to the given target
 1111 -- URL/path and the status code (should be one of 301, 302, 303 or 307) in the
 1112 -- 'Response' object stored in a 'Snap' monad. Note that the target URL is not
 1113 -- validated in any way.
 1114 --
 1115 -- Example:
 1116 --
 1117 -- @
 1118 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1119 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1120 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1121 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1122 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('redirect'' \"http:\/\/snapframework.com\" 301)
 1123 -- HTTP\/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect
 1124 -- content-length: 0
 1125 -- location: http:\/\/snapframework.com
 1126 -- server: Snap\/test
 1127 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 08:55:51 GMT
 1128 -- Content-Length: 0
 1129 --
 1130 --
 1131 -- @
 1132 redirect' :: MonadSnap m => ByteString -> Int -> m a
 1133 redirect' target status = do
 1134     r <- getResponse
 1136     finishWith
 1137         $ setResponseCode status
 1138         $ setContentLength 0
 1139         $ modifyResponseBody (const $ return . id)
 1140         $ setHeader "Location" target r
 1142 {-# INLINE redirect' #-}
 1145 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1146 -- | Log an error message in the 'Snap' monad.
 1147 --
 1148 -- Example:
 1149 --
 1150 -- @
 1151 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8
 1152 -- ghci> 'runSnap' ('logError' \"fatal error!\") ('error' . B8.unpack) undefined undefined
 1153 -- *** Exception: fatal error!
 1154 -- @
 1155 logError :: MonadSnap m => ByteString -> m ()
 1156 logError s = liftSnap $ Snap $ \sk _ st -> do
 1157     _snapLogError st s
 1158     sk () st
 1159 {-# INLINE logError #-}
 1162 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1163 -- | Run the given stream procedure, adding its output to the 'Response' stored
 1164 -- in the 'Snap' monad state.
 1165 --
 1166 -- Example:
 1167 --
 1168 -- @
 1169 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1170 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1171 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1172 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Builder" as B
 1173 -- ghci> import qualified "System.IO.Streams" as Streams
 1174 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1175 -- ghci> :{
 1176 -- ghci| let f str = do {
 1177 -- ghci|   Streams.write (Just $ B.byteString \"Hello, streams world\") str;
 1178 -- ghci|   return str }
 1179 -- ghci| :}
 1180 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('addToOutput' f)
 1181 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1182 -- server: Snap\/test
 1183 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 17:55:47 GMT
 1184 --
 1185 -- Hello, streams world
 1186 -- @
 1187 addToOutput :: MonadSnap m
 1188             => (OutputStream Builder -> IO (OutputStream Builder))
 1189                     -- ^ output to add
 1190             -> m ()
 1191 addToOutput enum = modifyResponse $ modifyResponseBody (c enum)
 1192   where
 1193     c a b = \out -> b out >>= a
 1195 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1196 -- | Adds the given 'Builder' to the body of the 'Response' stored in the
 1197 -- | 'Snap' monad state.
 1198 --
 1199 -- Example:
 1200 --
 1201 -- @
 1202 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1203 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1204 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1205 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Builder" as B
 1206 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1207 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('writeBuilder' $ B.byteString \"Hello, world\")
 1208 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1209 -- server: Snap\/test
 1210 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 17:33:33 GMT
 1211 --
 1212 -- Hello, world
 1213 -- @
 1214 writeBuilder :: MonadSnap m => Builder -> m ()
 1215 writeBuilder b = addToOutput f
 1216   where
 1217     f str = Streams.write (Just b) str >> return str
 1218 {-# INLINE writeBuilder #-}
 1221 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1222 -- | Adds the given strict 'ByteString' to the body of the 'Response' stored
 1223 -- in the 'Snap' monad state.
 1224 --
 1225 -- Warning: This function is intentionally non-strict. If any pure
 1226 -- exceptions are raised by the expression creating the 'ByteString',
 1227 -- the exception won't actually be raised within the Snap handler.
 1228 --
 1229 -- Example:
 1230 --
 1231 -- @
 1232 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1233 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1234 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1235 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1236 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('writeBS' \"Hello, bytestring world\")
 1237 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1238 -- server: Snap\/test
 1239 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 17:34:27 GMT
 1240 --
 1241 -- Hello, bytestring world
 1242 -- @
 1243 writeBS :: MonadSnap m => ByteString -> m ()
 1244 writeBS = writeBuilder . byteString
 1245 {-# INLINE writeBS #-}
 1248 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1249 -- | Adds the given lazy 'L.ByteString' to the body of the 'Response' stored
 1250 -- in the 'Snap' monad state.
 1251 --
 1252 -- Warning: This function is intentionally non-strict. If any pure
 1253 -- exceptions are raised by the expression creating the 'ByteString',
 1254 -- the exception won't actually be raised within the Snap handler.
 1255 --
 1256 -- Example:
 1257 --
 1258 -- @
 1259 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1260 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1261 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1262 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1263 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('writeLBS' \"Hello, lazy bytestring world\")
 1264 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1265 -- server: Snap\/test
 1266 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 17:35:15 GMT
 1267 --
 1268 -- Hello, lazy bytestring world
 1269 -- @
 1270 writeLBS :: MonadSnap m => L.ByteString -> m ()
 1271 writeLBS = writeBuilder . lazyByteString
 1272 {-# INLINE writeLBS #-}
 1275 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1276 -- | Adds the given strict 'T.Text' to the body of the 'Response' stored in
 1277 -- the 'Snap' monad state.
 1278 --
 1279 -- Warning: This function is intentionally non-strict. If any pure
 1280 -- exceptions are raised by the expression creating the 'ByteString',
 1281 -- the exception won't actually be raised within the Snap handler.
 1282 --
 1283 -- Example:
 1284 --
 1285 -- @
 1286 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1287 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1288 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1289 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1290 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('writeText' \"Hello, text world\")
 1291 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1292 -- server: Snap\/test
 1293 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 17:36:38 GMT
 1294 --
 1295 -- Hello, text world
 1296 -- @
 1297 writeText :: MonadSnap m => T.Text -> m ()
 1298 writeText = writeBS . T.encodeUtf8
 1299   -- it's inefficient, but we don't have bytestring builder text functions for
 1300   -- 0.9-era bytestring
 1301 {-# INLINE writeText #-}
 1304 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1305 -- | Adds the given lazy 'LT.Text' to the body of the 'Response' stored in the
 1306 -- 'Snap' monad state.
 1307 --
 1308 -- Warning: This function is intentionally non-strict. If any pure
 1309 -- exceptions are raised by the expression creating the 'ByteString',
 1310 -- the exception won't actually be raised within the Snap handler.
 1311 --
 1312 -- Example:
 1313 --
 1314 -- @
 1315 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1316 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1317 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1318 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1319 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('writeLazyText' \"Hello, lazy text world\")
 1320 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1321 -- server: Snap\/test
 1322 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 17:37:41 GMT
 1323 --
 1324 -- Hello, lazy text world
 1325 -- @
 1326 writeLazyText :: MonadSnap m => LT.Text -> m ()
 1327 writeLazyText = writeLBS . LT.encodeUtf8
 1328 {-# INLINE writeLazyText #-}
 1331 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1332 -- | Sets the output to be the contents of the specified file.
 1333 --
 1334 -- Calling 'sendFile' will overwrite any output queued to be sent in the
 1335 -- 'Response'. If the response body is not modified after the call to
 1336 -- 'sendFile', Snap will use the efficient @sendfile()@ system call on
 1337 -- platforms that support it.
 1338 --
 1339 -- If the response body is modified (using 'modifyResponseBody'), the file
 1340 -- will be read using @mmap()@.
 1341 --
 1342 -- Example:
 1343 --
 1344 -- @
 1345 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1346 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1347 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1348 -- ghci> 'writeFile' \"\/tmp\/snap-file\" \"Hello, sendFile world\"
 1349 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1350 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('sendFile' \"\/tmp\/snap-file\")
 1351 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1352 -- content-length: 21
 1353 -- server: Snap\/test
 1354 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 17:45:10 GMT
 1355 -- Content-Length: 21
 1356 --
 1357 -- Hello, sendFile world
 1358 -- @
 1359 sendFile :: (MonadSnap m) => FilePath -> m ()
 1360 sendFile f = modifyResponse $ \r -> r { rspBody = SendFile f Nothing }
 1363 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1364 -- | Sets the output to be the contents of the specified file, within the
 1365 -- given (start,end) range.
 1366 --
 1367 -- Calling 'sendFilePartial' will overwrite any output queued to be sent in
 1368 -- the 'Response'. If the response body is not modified after the call to
 1369 -- 'sendFilePartial', Snap will use the efficient @sendfile()@ system call on
 1370 -- platforms that support it.
 1371 --
 1372 -- If the response body is modified (using 'modifyResponseBody'), the file
 1373 -- will be read using @mmap()@.
 1374 --
 1375 -- Example:
 1376 --
 1377 -- @
 1378 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1379 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1380 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1381 -- ghci> 'writeFile' \"\/tmp\/snap-file\" \"Hello, sendFilePartial world\"
 1382 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1383 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('sendFilePartial' \"\/tmp\/snap-file\" (7, 28))
 1384 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1385 -- content-length: 21
 1386 -- server: Snap\/test
 1387 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 17:47:20 GMT
 1388 -- Content-Length: 21
 1389 --
 1390 -- sendFilePartial world
 1391 -- @
 1392 sendFilePartial :: (MonadSnap m) => FilePath -> (Word64, Word64) -> m ()
 1393 sendFilePartial f rng = modifyResponse $ \r ->
 1394                         r { rspBody = SendFile f (Just rng) }
 1397 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1398 -- | Runs a 'Snap' action with a locally-modified 'Request' state
 1399 -- object. The 'Request' object in the Snap monad state after the call
 1400 -- to localRequest will be unchanged.
 1401 -- Example:
 1402 --
 1403 -- @
 1404 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1405 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1406 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1407 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1408 -- ghci> r\' \<- T.buildRequest $ T.get \"\/bar\/foo\" M.empty
 1409 -- ghci> let printRqURI = 'getsRequest' 'rqURI' >>= 'writeBS' >> 'writeBS' \"\\n\"
 1410 -- ghci> T.runHandler r (printRqURI >> 'localRequest' (const r\') printRqURI)
 1411 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1412 -- server: Snap\/test
 1413 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:34:12 GMT
 1414 --
 1415 -- \/foo\/bar
 1416 -- \/bar\/foo
 1417 --
 1418 -- @
 1419 localRequest :: MonadSnap m => (Request -> Request) -> m a -> m a
 1420 localRequest f m = do
 1421     req <- getRequest
 1423     runAct req <|> (putRequest req >> pass)
 1425   where
 1426     runAct req = do
 1427         modifyRequest f
 1428         result <- m
 1429         putRequest req
 1430         return result
 1431 {-# INLINE localRequest #-}
 1434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1435 -- | Fetches the 'Request' from state and hands it to the given action.
 1436 -- Example:
 1437 --
 1438 -- @
 1439 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1440 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1441 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1442 -- ghci> import "Control.Monad.IO.Class"
 1443 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1444 -- ghci> let h = 'withRequest' (\\rq -> 'liftIO' (T.requestToString rq) >>= 'writeBS')
 1445 -- ghci> T.runHandler r h
 1446 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1447 -- server: Snap\/test
 1448 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:44:24 GMT
 1449 --
 1450 -- GET \/foo\/bar HTTP\/1.1
 1451 -- host: localhost
 1452 --
 1453 --
 1454 -- @
 1455 withRequest :: MonadSnap m => (Request -> m a) -> m a
 1456 withRequest = (getRequest >>=)
 1457 {-# INLINE withRequest #-}
 1460 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1461 -- | Fetches the 'Response' from state and hands it to the given action.
 1462 -- Example:
 1463 --
 1464 -- @
 1465 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1466 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1467 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1468 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1469 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('withResponse' $ 'writeBS' . 'rspStatusReason')
 1470 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1471 -- server: Snap\/test
 1472 -- date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:48:45 GMT
 1473 --
 1474 -- OK
 1475 -- @
 1476 withResponse :: MonadSnap m => (Response -> m a) -> m a
 1477 withResponse = (getResponse >>=)
 1478 {-# INLINE withResponse #-}
 1481 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1482 -- | Modifies the 'Request' in the state to set the 'rqRemoteAddr'
 1483 -- field to the value in the X-Forwarded-For header. If the header is
 1484 -- not present, this action has no effect.
 1485 --
 1486 -- This action should be used only when working behind a reverse http
 1487 -- proxy that sets the X-Forwarded-For header. This is the only way to
 1488 -- ensure the value in the X-Forwarded-For header can be trusted.
 1489 --
 1490 -- This is provided as a filter so actions that require the remote
 1491 -- address can get it in a uniform manner. It has specifically limited
 1492 -- functionality to ensure that its transformation can be trusted,
 1493 -- when used correctly.
 1494 ipHeaderFilter :: MonadSnap m => m ()
 1495 ipHeaderFilter = ipHeaderFilter' "x-forwarded-for"
 1498 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1499 -- | Modifies the 'Request' in the state to set the 'rqRemoteAddr'
 1500 -- field to the value from the header specified.  If the header
 1501 -- specified is not present, this action has no effect.
 1502 --
 1503 -- This action should be used only when working behind a reverse http
 1504 -- proxy that sets the header being looked at. This is the only way to
 1505 -- ensure the value in the header can be trusted.
 1506 --
 1507 -- This is provided as a filter so actions that require the remote
 1508 -- address can get it in a uniform manner. It has specifically limited
 1509 -- functionality to ensure that its transformation can be trusted,
 1510 -- when used correctly.
 1511 ipHeaderFilter' :: MonadSnap m => CI ByteString -> m ()
 1512 ipHeaderFilter' header = do
 1513     headerContents <- getHeader header <$> getRequest
 1515     let whitespace = [ ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' ]
 1516         ipChrs = '.' : "0123456789"
 1517         trim f s = f (`elem` s)
 1519         clean = trim S.takeWhile ipChrs . trim S.dropWhile whitespace
 1520         setIP ip = modifyRequest $ \rq -> rq { rqClientAddr = clean ip }
 1521     maybe (return $! ()) setIP headerContents
 1524 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1525 -- | This function brackets a Snap action in resource acquisition and
 1526 -- release. This is provided because MonadCatchIO's 'bracket' function
 1527 -- doesn't work properly in the case of a short-circuit return from
 1528 -- the action being bracketed.
 1529 --
 1530 -- In order to prevent confusion regarding the effects of the
 1531 -- aquisition and release actions on the Snap state, this function
 1532 -- doesn't accept Snap actions for the acquire or release actions.
 1533 --
 1534 -- This function will run the release action in all cases where the
 1535 -- acquire action succeeded.  This includes the following behaviors
 1536 -- from the bracketed Snap action.
 1537 --
 1538 -- 1. Normal completion
 1539 --
 1540 -- 2. Short-circuit completion, either from calling 'fail' or 'finishWith'
 1541 --
 1542 -- 3. An exception being thrown.
 1543 --
 1544 -- Example:
 1545 --
 1546 -- @
 1547 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1548 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1549 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1550 -- ghci> let br = 'bracketSnap' (putStrLn \"before\") (const $ putStrLn \"after\")
 1551 -- ghci> T.runHandler (T.get \"/\" M.empty) (br $ const $ writeBS \"OK\")
 1552 -- before
 1553 -- after
 1554 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1555 -- server: Snap\/test
 1556 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 18:41:50 GMT
 1557 --
 1558 -- OK
 1559 -- @
 1560 bracketSnap :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> Snap c) -> Snap c
 1561 bracketSnap before after thing = mask $ \restore ->
 1562                                  stateTToSnap $ do
 1563     a <- liftIO before
 1564     let after' = liftIO $ after a
 1565     r <- snapToStateT (restore $ thing a) `onException` after'
 1566     _ <- after'
 1567     return r
 1570 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1571 -- | This exception is thrown if the handler you supply to 'runSnap' fails.
 1572 data NoHandlerException = NoHandlerException String
 1573    deriving (Eq, Typeable)
 1576 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1577 instance Show NoHandlerException where
 1578     show (NoHandlerException e) = "No handler for request: failure was " ++ e
 1581 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1582 instance Exception NoHandlerException
 1585 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1586 -- | Terminate the HTTP session with the given exception.
 1587 --
 1588 -- Example:
 1589 --
 1590 -- @
 1591 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1592 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1593 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1594 -- ghci> import qualified "Control.Exception" as E
 1595 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 1596 -- ghci> T.runHandler r (terminateConnection $ E.AssertionFailed \"Assertion failed!\")
 1597 -- *** Exception: \<terminated: Assertion failed!>
 1598 -- @
 1599 terminateConnection :: (Exception e, MonadSnap m) => e -> m a
 1600 terminateConnection e =
 1601     liftSnap $ Snap $ \_ fk -> fk $ EscapeSnap $ TerminateConnection
 1602                                   $ SomeException e
 1605 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1606 -- | Terminate the HTTP session and hand control to some external handler,
 1607 -- escaping all further HTTP traffic.
 1608 --
 1609 -- The external handler takes three arguments: a function to modify the thread's
 1610 -- timeout, and a read and a write ends to the socket.
 1611 escapeHttp :: MonadSnap m =>
 1612               EscapeHttpHandler
 1613            -> m ()
 1614 escapeHttp h = liftSnap $ Snap $ \_ fk st -> fk (EscapeSnap $ EscapeHttp h) st
 1617 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1618 -- | Runs a 'Snap' monad action.
 1619 --
 1620 -- This function is mostly intended for library writers; instead of invoking
 1621 -- 'runSnap' directly, use 'Snap.Http.Server.httpServe' or
 1622 -- 'Snap.Test.runHandler' (for testing).
 1623 runSnap :: Snap a                   -- ^ Action to run.
 1624         -> (ByteString -> IO ())    -- ^ Error logging action.
 1625         -> ((Int -> Int) -> IO ())  -- ^ Timeout action.
 1626         -> Request                  -- ^ HTTP request.
 1627         -> IO (Request, Response)
 1628 runSnap (Snap m) logerr timeoutAction req =
 1629     m ok diediedie ss
 1630   where
 1631     ok _ st = return (_snapRequest st, _snapResponse st)
 1633     diediedie z !st = do
 1634         resp <- case z of
 1635                   PassOnProcessing     -> return fourohfour
 1636                   (EarlyTermination x) -> return x
 1637                   (EscapeSnap e)       -> throwIO e
 1638         return (_snapRequest st, resp)
 1640     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1641     fourohfour = do
 1642         clearContentLength                  $
 1643           setResponseStatus 404 "Not Found" $
 1644           setResponseBody enum404           $
 1645           emptyResponse
 1647     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1648     enum404 out = do
 1649         is <- Streams.fromList html
 1650         Streams.connect is out
 1651         return out
 1653     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1654     html = map byteString [ "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
 1655                           , "<html>\n"
 1656                           , "<head>\n"
 1657                           , "<title>Not found</title>\n"
 1658                           , "</head>\n"
 1659                           , "<body>\n"
 1660                           , "<code>No handler accepted \""
 1661                           , rqURI req
 1662                           , "\"</code>\n</body></html>"
 1663                           ]
 1665     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1666     dresp = emptyResponse
 1668     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1669     ss = SnapState req dresp logerr timeoutAction
 1670 {-# INLINE runSnap #-}
 1674 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1675 -- | Post-process a finalized HTTP response:
 1676 --
 1677 -- * fixup content-length header
 1678 -- * properly handle 204/304 responses
 1679 -- * if request was HEAD, remove response body
 1680 --
 1681 -- Note that we do NOT deal with transfer-encoding: chunked or "connection:
 1682 -- close" here.
 1683 --
 1684 {-# INLINE fixupResponse #-}
 1685 fixupResponse :: Request -> Response -> IO Response
 1686 fixupResponse req rsp = {-# SCC "fixupResponse" #-} do
 1687     rsp' <- case rspBody rsp of
 1688               (Stream _)                -> return rsp
 1689               (SendFile f Nothing)      -> setFileSize f rsp
 1690               (SendFile _ (Just (s,e))) -> return $! setContentLength (e-s) rsp
 1691     let !cl = if noBody then Nothing else rspContentLength rsp'
 1692     let rsp'' = if noBody
 1693                   then rsp' { rspBody          = Stream $ return . id
 1694                             , rspContentLength = Nothing
 1695                             }
 1696                   else rsp'
 1697     return $! updateHeaders (H.fromList . addCL cl . fixup . H.toList) rsp''
 1699   where
 1700     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1701     addCL Nothing xs   = xs
 1702     addCL (Just cl) xs = ("content-length", word64ToByteString cl):xs
 1704     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1705     setFileSize :: FilePath -> Response -> IO Response
 1706     setFileSize fp r = {-# SCC "setFileSize" #-} do
 1707         fs <- liftM fromIntegral $ getFileSize fp
 1708         return $! r { rspContentLength = Just fs }
 1710     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1711     getFileSize :: FilePath -> IO FileOffset
 1712     getFileSize fp = liftM fileSize $ getFileStatus fp
 1714     code   = rspStatus rsp
 1715     noBody = code == 204 || code == 304 || rqMethod req == HEAD
 1717     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1718     fixup [] = []
 1719     fixup (("date",_):xs)           = fixup xs
 1720     fixup (("content-length",_):xs) = fixup xs
 1721     fixup (x@("transfer-encoding",_):xs) = if noBody
 1722                                              then fixup xs
 1723                                              else x : fixup xs
 1724     fixup (x:xs) = x : fixup xs
 1727 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1728 -- This number code stolen and massaged from Bryan's blog post:
 1729 -- http://www.serpentine.com/blog/2013/03/20/whats-good-for-c-is-good-for-haskell/
 1731 {-# INLINE countDigits #-}
 1732 countDigits :: Word64 -> Int
 1733 countDigits v0 = go 1 v0
 1734   where go !k v
 1735            | v < 10    = k
 1736            | v < 100   = k + 1
 1737            | v < 1000  = k + 2
 1738            | v < 10000 = k + 3
 1739            | otherwise = go (k+4) (v `quot` 10000)
 1742 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1743 {-# INLINE word64ToByteString #-}
 1744 word64ToByteString :: Word64 -> ByteString
 1745 word64ToByteString d =
 1746 #if !MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,6)
 1747     S.inlinePerformIO $
 1748 #else
 1749     S.accursedUnutterablePerformIO $
 1750 #endif
 1751     if d < 10
 1752        then S.create 1 $ \p -> poke p (i2w d)
 1753        else let !n = countDigits d
 1754             in S.create n $ posDecimal n d
 1757 {-# INLINE posDecimal #-}
 1758 posDecimal :: Int -> Word64 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()
 1759 posDecimal !n0 !v0 !op0 = go n0 (plusPtr op0 (n0-1)) v0
 1760   where go !n !op !v
 1761           | n == 1 = poke op $! i2w v
 1762           | otherwise = do
 1763               let (!v', !d) = divMod v 10
 1764               poke op $! i2w d
 1765               go (n-1) (plusPtr op (-1)) v'
 1768 {-# INLINE i2w #-}
 1769 i2w :: Word64 -> Word8
 1770 i2w v = 48 + fromIntegral v
 1773 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1774 evalSnap :: Snap a
 1775          -> (ByteString -> IO ())
 1776          -> ((Int -> Int) -> IO ())
 1777          -> Request
 1778          -> IO a
 1779 evalSnap (Snap m) logerr timeoutAction req =
 1780     m (\v _ -> return v) diediedie ss
 1781   where
 1782     diediedie z _ = case z of
 1783       PassOnProcessing     -> throwIO $ NoHandlerException "pass"
 1784       (EarlyTermination _) -> throwIO $ ErrorCall "no value"
 1785       (EscapeSnap e)       -> throwIO e
 1787     dresp = emptyResponse
 1788     ss = SnapState req dresp logerr timeoutAction
 1789 {-# INLINE evalSnap #-}
 1792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1793 getParamFrom :: MonadSnap m =>
 1794                 (ByteString -> Request -> Maybe [ByteString])
 1795              -> ByteString
 1796              -> m (Maybe ByteString)
 1797 getParamFrom f k = do
 1798     rq <- getRequest
 1799     return $! liftM (S.intercalate " ") $ f k rq
 1800 {-# INLINE getParamFrom #-}
 1803 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1804 -- | See 'rqParam'. Looks up a value for the given named parameter in the
 1805 -- 'Request'. If more than one value was entered for the given parameter name,
 1806 -- 'getParam' gloms the values together with @'S.intercalate' \" \"@.
 1807 --
 1808 -- Example:
 1809 --
 1810 -- @
 1811 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1812 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1813 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1814 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8
 1815 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" $ M.fromList [(\"foo\", [\"bar\"])]
 1816 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('getParam' \"foo\" >>= 'writeBS' . B8.pack . show)
 1817 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1818 -- server: Snap\/test
 1819 -- date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 12:57:20 GMT
 1820 --
 1821 -- Just \"bar\"
 1822 -- @
 1823 getParam :: MonadSnap m
 1824          => ByteString          -- ^ parameter name to look up
 1825          -> m (Maybe ByteString)
 1826 getParam = getParamFrom rqParam
 1827 {-# INLINE getParam #-}
 1830 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1831 -- | See 'rqPostParam'. Looks up a value for the given named parameter in the
 1832 -- POST form parameters mapping in 'Request'. If more than one value was
 1833 -- entered for the given parameter name, 'getPostParam' gloms the values
 1834 -- together with: @'S.intercalate' \" \"@.
 1835 --
 1836 -- Example:
 1837 --
 1838 -- @
 1839 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1840 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1841 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1842 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8
 1843 -- ghci> let r = T.postUrlEncoded \"\/foo\/bar\" $ M.fromList [(\"foo\", [\"bar\"])]
 1844 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('getPostParam' \"foo\" >>= 'writeBS' . B8.pack . show)
 1845 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1846 -- server: Snap\/test
 1847 -- date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 13:01:04 GMT
 1848 --
 1849 -- Just \"bar\"
 1850 -- @
 1851 getPostParam :: MonadSnap m
 1852              => ByteString          -- ^ parameter name to look up
 1853              -> m (Maybe ByteString)
 1854 getPostParam = getParamFrom rqPostParam
 1855 {-# INLINE getPostParam #-}
 1858 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1859 -- | See 'rqQueryParam'. Looks up a value for the given named parameter in the
 1860 -- query string parameters mapping in 'Request'. If more than one value was
 1861 -- entered for the given parameter name, 'getQueryParam' gloms the values
 1862 -- together with  @'S.intercalate' \" \"@.
 1863 --
 1864 -- Example:
 1865 --
 1866 -- @
 1867 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1868 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1869 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1870 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8
 1871 -- ghci> let r = T.postUrlEncoded \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty >> T.setQueryStringRaw \"foo=bar&foo=baz\"
 1872 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('getQueryParam' \"foo\" >>= 'writeBS' . B8.pack . show)
 1873 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1874 -- server: Snap\/test
 1875 -- date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 13:06:50 GMT
 1876 --
 1877 -- Just \"bar baz\"
 1878 -- @
 1879 getQueryParam :: MonadSnap m
 1880               => ByteString          -- ^ parameter name to look up
 1881               -> m (Maybe ByteString)
 1882 getQueryParam = getParamFrom rqQueryParam
 1883 {-# INLINE getQueryParam #-}
 1886 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1887 -- | See 'rqParams'. Convenience function to return 'Params' from the
 1888 -- 'Request' inside of a 'MonadSnap' instance.
 1889 --
 1890 -- Example:
 1891 --
 1892 -- @
 1893 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1894 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1895 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1896 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8
 1897 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" $ M.fromList [(\"foo\", [\"bar\"])]
 1898 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('getParams' >>= 'writeBS' . B8.pack . show)
 1899 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1900 -- server: Snap\/test
 1901 -- date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 13:02:54 GMT
 1902 --
 1903 -- fromList [(\"foo\",[\"bar\"])]
 1904 -- @
 1905 getParams :: MonadSnap m => m Params
 1906 getParams = getRequest >>= return . rqParams
 1909 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1910 -- | See 'rqParams'. Convenience function to return 'Params' from the
 1911 -- 'Request' inside of a 'MonadSnap' instance.
 1912 --
 1913 -- Example:
 1914 --
 1915 -- @
 1916 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1917 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1918 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1919 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8
 1920 -- ghci> let r = T.postUrlEncoded \"\/foo\/bar\" $ M.fromList [(\"foo\", [\"bar\"])]
 1921 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('getPostParams' >>= 'writeBS' . B8.pack . show)
 1922 -- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 1923 -- server: Snap/test
 1924 -- date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 13:04:34 GMT
 1925 --
 1926 -- fromList [("foo",["bar"])]
 1927 -- @
 1928 getPostParams :: MonadSnap m => m Params
 1929 getPostParams = getRequest >>= return . rqPostParams
 1932 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1933 -- | See 'rqParams'. Convenience function to return 'Params' from the
 1934 -- 'Request' inside of a 'MonadSnap' instance.
 1935 --
 1936 -- Example:
 1937 --
 1938 -- @
 1939 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1940 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1941 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1942 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8
 1943 -- ghci> let r = T.postUrlEncoded \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty >> T.setQueryStringRaw \"foo=bar&foo=baz\"
 1944 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('getQueryParams' >>= 'writeBS' . B8.pack . show)
 1945 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
 1946 -- server: Snap\/test
 1947 -- date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 13:10:17 GMT
 1948 --
 1949 -- fromList [(\"foo\",[\"bar\",\"baz\"])]
 1950 -- @
 1951 getQueryParams :: MonadSnap m => m Params
 1952 getQueryParams = getRequest >>= return . rqQueryParams
 1955 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1956 -- | Gets the HTTP 'Cookie' with the specified name.
 1957 --
 1958 -- Example:
 1959 --
 1960 -- @
 1961 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1962 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1963 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1964 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8
 1965 -- ghci> let cookie = 'Cookie' \"name\" \"value\" Nothing Nothing Nothing False False
 1966 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty >> T.addCookies [cookie]
 1967 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('getCookie' \"name\" >>= 'writeBS' . B8.pack . show)
 1968 -- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 1969 -- server: Snap/test
 1970 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 12:16:58 GMT
 1971 --
 1972 -- Just (Cookie {cookieName = "name", cookieValue = "value", ...})
 1973 -- @
 1974 getCookie :: MonadSnap m
 1975           => ByteString
 1976           -> m (Maybe Cookie)
 1977 getCookie name = withRequest $
 1978     return . listToMaybe . filter (\c -> cookieName c == name) . rqCookies
 1981 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1982 -- | Gets the HTTP 'Cookie' with the specified name and decodes it.  If the
 1983 -- decoding fails, the handler calls pass.
 1984 --
 1985 -- Example:
 1986 --
 1987 -- @
 1988 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 1989 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 1990 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 1991 -- ghci> let cookie = 'Cookie' \"name\" \"value\" Nothing Nothing Nothing False False
 1992 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty >> T.addCookies [cookie]
 1993 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('readCookie' \"name\" >>= 'writeBS')
 1994 -- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 1995 -- server: Snap/test
 1996 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 12:20:09 GMT
 1997 --
 1998 -- value
 1999 -- @
 2000 readCookie :: (MonadSnap m, R.Readable a)
 2001            => ByteString
 2002            -> m a
 2003 readCookie name = maybe pass (R.fromBS . cookieValue) =<< getCookie name
 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 2007 -- | Expire given 'Cookie' in client's browser.
 2008 --
 2009 -- Example:
 2010 --
 2011 -- @
 2012 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
 2013 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
 2014 -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T
 2015 -- ghci> let r = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty
 2016 -- ghci> let cookie = Cookie "name" "" Nothing (Just "/subsite") Nothing True False
 2017 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('expireCookie' cookie)
 2018 -- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 2019 -- set-cookie: name=; path=/subsite; expires=Sat, 24 Dec 1994 06:28:16 GMT; Secure
 2020 -- server: Snap/test
 2021 --
 2022 -- date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 12:21:27 GMT
 2023 -- ghci> let cookie = Cookie "name" "value" Nothing Nothing Nothing False False
 2024 -- ghci> let r2 = T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty >> T.addCookies [cookie]
 2025 -- ghci> T.runHandler r ('getCookie' "name" >>= maybe (return ()) 'expireCookie')
 2026 -- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 2027 -- set-cookie: name=; expires=Sat, 24 Dec 1994 06:28:16 GMT
 2028 -- server: Snap/test
 2029 --
 2030 --
 2031 -- @
 2032 expireCookie :: (MonadSnap m) => Cookie -> m ()
 2033 expireCookie cookie = do
 2034   let old = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) 0
 2035   modifyResponse $ addResponseCookie
 2036                  $ cookie { cookieValue = ""
 2037                           , cookieExpires = (Just old) }
 2039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 2040 -- | Causes the handler thread to be killed @n@ seconds from now.
 2041 setTimeout :: MonadSnap m => Int -> m ()
 2042 setTimeout = modifyTimeout . const
 2045 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 2046 -- | Causes the handler thread to be killed at least @n@ seconds from now.
 2047 extendTimeout :: MonadSnap m => Int -> m ()
 2048 extendTimeout = modifyTimeout . max
 2051 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 2052 -- | Modifies the amount of time remaining before the request times out.
 2053 modifyTimeout :: MonadSnap m => (Int -> Int) -> m ()
 2054 modifyTimeout f = do
 2055     m <- getTimeoutModifier
 2056     liftIO $ m f
 2059 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 2060 -- | Returns an 'IO' action which you can use to modify the timeout value.
 2061 getTimeoutModifier :: MonadSnap m => m ((Int -> Int) -> IO ())
 2062 getTimeoutModifier = liftSnap $ liftM _snapModifyTimeout sget