1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns     #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE CPP              #-}
    3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
    4 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types       #-}
    5 module Snap.Internal.Routing
    6   ( Route(..)
    7   , pRoute
    8   , route
    9   , routeEarliestNC
   10   , routeHeight
   11   , routeLocal
   12   , splitPath
   13   ) where
   14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   15 import           Control.Applicative      ((<|>))
   16 import           Data.ByteString          (ByteString)
   17 import qualified Data.ByteString          as B (head, intercalate, length, null, pack, splitWith, tail)
   18 import           Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w)
   19 import           Data.HashMap.Strict      (HashMap)
   20 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict      as H (elems, empty, fromList, lookup, unionWith)
   21 import qualified Data.Map                 as Map (empty, insertWith, unionWith)
   22 import           Snap.Internal.Core       (MonadSnap, getRequest, getsRequest, localRequest, modifyRequest, pass, updateContextPath)
   23 import           Snap.Internal.Http.Types (Params, Request (rqContextPath, rqParams, rqPathInfo))
   24 import           Snap.Internal.Parsing    (urlDecode)
   25 #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
   26 import           Data.Monoid              (Monoid (..))
   27 #endif
   28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   31 -- | The internal data type you use to build a routing tree. Matching is
   32 -- done unambiguously.
   33 --
   34 -- 'Capture' and 'Dir' routes can have a "fallback" route:
   35 --
   36 --   - For 'Capture', the fallback is routed when there is nothing to capture
   37 --   - For 'Dir', the fallback is routed when we can't find a route in its map
   38 --
   39 -- Fallback routes are stacked: i.e. for a route like:
   40 --
   41 -- > Dir [("foo", Capture "bar" (Action bar) NoRoute)] baz
   42 --
   43 -- visiting the URI foo/ will result in the "bar" capture being empty and
   44 -- triggering its fallback. It's NoRoute, so we go to the nearest parent
   45 -- fallback and try that, which is the baz action.
   46 data Route a m = Action ((MonadSnap m) => m a)   -- wraps a 'Snap' action
   47                -- captures the dir in a param
   48                | Capture ByteString (Route a m) (Route a m)
   49                -- match on a dir
   50                | Dir (HashMap ByteString (Route a m)) (Route a m)
   51                | NoRoute
   54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   55 instance Monoid (Route a m) where
   56     mempty = NoRoute
   58     mappend NoRoute r = r
   60     mappend l@(Action a) r = case r of
   61       (Action a')       -> Action (a <|> a')
   62       (Capture p r' fb) -> Capture p r' (mappend fb l)
   63       (Dir _ _)         -> mappend (Dir H.empty l) r
   64       NoRoute           -> l
   66     -- Whenever we're unioning two Captures and their capture variables
   67     -- differ, we have an ambiguity. We resolve this in the following order:
   68     --   1. Prefer whichever route is longer
   69     --   2. Else, prefer whichever has the earliest non-capture
   70     --   3. Else, prefer the right-hand side
   71     mappend l@(Capture p r' fb) r = case r of
   72       (Action _)           -> Capture p r' (mappend fb r)
   73       (Capture p' r'' fb')
   74               | p == p'    -> Capture p (mappend r' r'') (mappend fb fb')
   75               | rh' > rh'' -> Capture p r' (mappend fb r)
   76               | rh' < rh'' -> Capture p' r'' (mappend fb' l)
   77               | en' < en'' -> Capture p r' (mappend fb r)
   78               | otherwise  -> Capture p' r'' (mappend fb' l)
   79         where
   80           rh'  = routeHeight r'
   81           rh'' = routeHeight r''
   82           en'  = routeEarliestNC r' 1
   83           en'' = routeEarliestNC r'' 1
   84       (Dir rm fb')         -> Dir rm (mappend fb' l)
   85       NoRoute              -> l
   87     mappend l@(Dir rm fb) r = case r of
   88       (Action _)      -> Dir rm (mappend fb r)
   89       (Capture _ _ _) -> Dir rm (mappend fb r)
   90       (Dir rm' fb')   -> Dir (H.unionWith mappend rm rm') (mappend fb fb')
   91       NoRoute         -> l
   94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   95 routeHeight :: Route a m -> Int
   96 routeHeight r = case r of
   97   NoRoute          -> 1
   98   (Action _)       -> 1
   99   (Capture _ r' _) -> 1 + routeHeight r'
  100   (Dir rm _)       -> 1 + foldl max 1 (map routeHeight $ H.elems rm)
  101 {-# INLINE routeHeight #-}
  104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105 routeEarliestNC :: Route a m -> Int -> Int
  106 routeEarliestNC r n = case r of
  107   NoRoute           -> n
  108   (Action _)        -> n
  109   (Capture _ r' _)  -> routeEarliestNC r' n+1
  110   (Dir _ _)         -> n
  111 {-# INLINE routeEarliestNC #-}
  114 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  115 -- | A web handler which, given a mapping from URL entry points to web
  116 -- handlers, efficiently routes requests to the correct handler.
  117 --
  118 --
  119 -- __Usage__
  120 --
  121 -- The URL entry points are given as relative paths, for example:
  122 --
  123 -- > route [ ("foo/bar/quux", fooBarQuux) ]
  124 --
  125 -- If the URI of the incoming request is @\/foo\/bar\/quux@ or
  126 -- @\/foo\/bar\/quux\/...anything...@ then the request will be routed to
  127 -- @\"fooBarQuux\"@, with 'rqContextPath' set to @\"\/foo\/bar\/quux\/\"@ and
  128 -- 'rqPathInfo' set to @\"...anything...\"@.
  129 --
  130 -- A path component within an URL entry point beginning with a colon (@\":\"@)
  131 -- is treated as a /variable capture/; the corresponding path component within
  132 -- the request URI will be entered into the 'rqParams' parameters mapping with
  133 -- the given name. For instance, if the routes were:
  134 --
  135 -- > route [ ("foo/:bar/baz", fooBazHandler) ]
  136 --
  137 -- Then a request for @\"\/foo\/saskatchewan\/baz\"@ would be routed to
  138 -- @fooBazHandler@ with a mapping for @\"bar\" => \"saskatchewan\"@ in its
  139 -- parameters table.
  140 --
  141 -- Longer paths are matched first, and specific routes are matched before
  142 -- captures. That is, if given routes:
  143 --
  144 -- > [ ("a", h1), ("a/b", h2), ("a/:x", h3) ]
  145 --
  146 -- a request for @\"\/a\/b\"@ will go to @h2@, @\"\/a\/s\"@ for any /s/ will go
  147 -- to @h3@, and @\"\/a\"@ will go to @h1@.
  148 --
  149 -- The following example matches @\"\/article\"@ to an article index,
  150 -- @\"\/login\"@ to a login, and @\"\/article\/...\"@ to an article renderer.
  151 --
  152 -- @
  153 -- 'route' [ (\"article\",     renderIndex)
  154 --       , (\"article\/:id\", renderArticle)
  155 --       , (\"login\",       'Snap.Core.method' POST doLogin) ]
  156 -- @
  157 --
  158 -- __Note: URL decoding__
  159 --
  160 -- A short note about URL decoding: path matching and variable capture are done
  161 -- on /decoded/ URLs, but the contents of 'rqContextPath' and 'rqPathInfo' will
  162 -- contain the original encoded URL, i.e. what the user entered. For example,
  163 -- in the following scenario:
  164 --
  165 -- > route [ ("a b c d/", foo ) ]
  166 --
  167 -- A request for \"@/a+b+c+d@\" will be sent to @foo@ with 'rqContextPath' set
  168 -- to @\"/a+b+c+d/\"@.
  169 --
  170 -- This behaviour changed as of Snap 0.6.1; previous versions had unspecified
  171 -- (and buggy!) semantics here.
  172 --
  173 --
  174 -- __Example:__
  175 --
  176 -- @
  177 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  178 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as Map
  179 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8
  180 -- ghci> import "Snap.Test"
  181 -- ghci> :{
  182 -- ghci| let handler = do r \<- 'getRequest'
  183 -- ghci|                  'Snap.Core.writeBS' $ \"rqContextPath: \" \<> 'rqContextPath' r \<> \"\\n\"
  184 -- ghci|                  'Snap.Core.writeBS' $ \"rqPathInfo: \" \<> 'rqPathInfo' r \<> \"\\n\"
  185 -- ghci|                  'Snap.Core.writeBS' $ \"rqParams: \" \<> (B8.pack . show $ 'rqParams' r)
  186 -- ghci| :}
  187 -- ghci> 'Snap.Test.runHandler' ('Snap.Test.get' \"\/foo\/bar\" "Map.empty") ('route' [(\"foo\", handler)])
  188 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  189 -- server: Snap\/test
  190 -- date: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 05:16:59 GMT
  191 --
  192 -- rqContextPath: \/foo\/
  193 -- rqPathInfo: bar
  194 -- rqParams: fromList []
  195 -- ghci> 'Snap.Test.runHandler' ('Snap.Test.get' \"\/foo\/bar\" "Map.empty") ('route' [(\"foo\/:bar\", handler)])
  196 -- [...]
  197 --
  198 -- rqContextPath: \/foo\/bar\/
  199 -- rqPathInfo:
  200 -- rqParams: fromList [(\"bar\",[\"bar\"])]
  201 -- @
  202 route :: MonadSnap m => [(ByteString, m a)] -> m a
  203 route rts = do
  204   p <- getsRequest rqPathInfo
  205   route' (return $! ()) [] (splitPath p) Map.empty rts'
  206   where
  207     rts' = mconcat (map pRoute rts)
  208 {-# INLINE route #-}
  211 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  212 -- | The 'routeLocal' function is the same as 'route', except it doesn't
  213 -- change the request's context path. This is useful if you want to route to a
  214 -- particular handler but you want that handler to receive the 'rqPathInfo' as
  215 -- it is.
  216 --
  217 -- Example:
  218 --
  219 -- @
  220 -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  221 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M
  222 -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8
  223 -- ghci> import "Snap.Test"
  224 -- ghci> :{
  225 -- ghci| let handler = do r \<- 'getRequest'
  226 -- ghci|                  'Snap.Core.writeBS' $ \"rqContextPath: \" \<> 'rqContextPath' r \<> \"\\n\"
  227 -- ghci|                  'Snap.Core.writeBS' $ \"rqPathInfo: \" \<> 'rqPathInfo' r \<> \"\\n\"
  228 -- ghci|                  'Snap.Core.writeBS' $ \"rqParams: \" \<> (B8.pack . show $ 'rqParams' r)
  229 -- ghci| :}
  230 -- ghci> 'Snap.Test.runHandler' ('Snap.Test.get' \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty) ('routeLocal' [(\"foo\", handler)])
  231 -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK
  232 -- server: Snap\/test
  233 -- date: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 05:17:28 GMT
  234 --
  235 -- rqContextPath: \/
  236 -- rqPathInfo: foo\/bar
  237 -- ghci> 'Snap.Test.runHandler' ('Snap.Test.get' \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty) ('routeLocal' [(\"foo\/:bar\", handler)])
  238 -- [...]
  239 --
  240 -- rqContextPath: \/
  241 -- rqPathInfo: foo\/bar
  242 -- rqParams: fromList [(\"bar\",[\"bar\"])]
  243 -- @
  244 routeLocal :: MonadSnap m => [(ByteString, m a)] -> m a
  245 routeLocal rts = do
  246     req    <- getRequest
  247     let ctx = rqContextPath req
  248     let p   = rqPathInfo req
  249     let md  = modifyRequest $ \r -> r {rqContextPath=ctx, rqPathInfo=p}
  251     (route' md [] (splitPath p) Map.empty rts') <|> (md >> pass)
  253   where
  254     rts' = mconcat (map pRoute rts)
  255 {-# INLINE routeLocal #-}
  258 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  259 splitPath :: ByteString -> [ByteString]
  260 splitPath = B.splitWith (== (c2w '/'))
  261 {-# INLINE splitPath #-}
  264 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  265 pRoute :: MonadSnap m => (ByteString, m a) -> Route a m
  266 pRoute (r, a) = foldr f (Action a) hier
  267   where
  268     hier   = filter (not . B.null) $ B.splitWith (== (c2w '/')) r
  269     f s rt = if B.head s == c2w ':'
  270         then Capture (B.tail s) rt NoRoute
  271         else Dir (H.fromList [(s, rt)]) NoRoute
  272 {-# INLINE pRoute #-}
  275 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276 route' :: MonadSnap m
  277        => m ()           -- ^ action to run before we call the user handler
  278        -> [ByteString]   -- ^ the \"context\"; the list of path segments we've
  279                          -- already successfully matched, in reverse order
  280        -> [ByteString]   -- ^ the list of path segments we haven't yet matched
  281        -> Params
  282        -> Route a m
  283        -> m a
  284 route' pre !ctx _ !params (Action action) =
  285     localRequest (updateContextPath (B.length ctx') . updateParams)
  286                  (pre >> action)
  287   where
  288     ctx' = B.intercalate (B.pack [c2w '/']) (reverse ctx)
  289     updateParams req = req
  290       { rqParams = Map.unionWith (flip (++)) params (rqParams req) }
  292 route' pre !ctx [] !params (Capture _ _  fb) =
  293     route' pre ctx [] params fb
  295 route' pre !ctx paths@(cwd:rest) !params (Capture p rt fb)
  296     | B.null cwd = fallback
  297     | otherwise  = m <|> fallback
  298   where
  299     fallback = route' pre ctx paths params fb
  300     m = maybe pass
  301               (\cwd' -> let params' = Map.insertWith (flip (++)) p [cwd'] params
  302                         in route' pre (cwd:ctx) rest params' rt)
  303               (urlDecode cwd)
  305 route' pre !ctx [] !params (Dir _ fb) =
  306     route' pre ctx [] params fb
  307 route' pre !ctx paths@(cwd:rest) !params (Dir rtm fb) = do
  308     cwd' <- maybe pass return $ urlDecode cwd
  309     case H.lookup cwd' rtm of
  310       Just rt -> (route' pre (cwd:ctx) rest params rt) <|>
  311                  (route' pre ctx paths params fb)
  312       Nothing -> route' pre ctx paths params fb
  314 route' _ _ _ _ NoRoute = pass