1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns        #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
    3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable  #-}
    4 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
    5 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
    6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    8 module Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Session
    9   ( httpAcceptLoop
   10   , httpSession
   11   , snapToServerHandler
   12   , BadRequestException(..)
   13   , LengthRequiredException(..)
   14   , TerminateSessionException(..)
   15   ) where
   17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   18 #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
   19 import           Control.Applicative                      ((<$>))
   20 #endif
   21 import           Control.Arrow                            (first, second)
   22 import           Control.Concurrent                       (MVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, readMVar)
   23 import           Control.Exception                        (AsyncException, Exception, Handler (..), SomeException (..))
   24 import qualified Control.Exception                        as E
   25 import           Control.Monad                            (join, unless, void, when, (>=>))
   26 import           Data.ByteString.Char8                    (ByteString)
   27 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8                    as S
   28 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe                   as S
   29 import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive                     as CI
   30 import           Data.Int                                 (Int64)
   31 import           Data.IORef                               (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
   32 import           Data.List                                (foldl')
   33 import qualified Data.Map                                 as Map
   34 import           Data.Maybe                               (fromJust, fromMaybe, isNothing)
   35 #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
   36 import           Data.Monoid                              (mconcat)
   37 #endif
   38 import           Data.Monoid                              ((<>))
   39 import           Data.Time.Format                         (formatTime)
   40 import           Data.Typeable                            (Typeable)
   41 import           Data.Version                             (showVersion)
   42 import           Data.Word                                (Word64, Word8)
   43 import           Foreign.Marshal.Utils                    (copyBytes)
   44 import           Foreign.Ptr                              (Ptr, castPtr, plusPtr)
   45 import           Foreign.Storable                         (pokeByteOff)
   46 #if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
   47 import           Data.Time.Format                         (defaultTimeLocale)
   48 #else
   49 import           System.Locale                            (defaultTimeLocale)
   50 #endif
   51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   52 import           Data.ByteString.Builder                  (Builder, byteString, char8, stringUtf8)
   53 import           Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra            (flush)
   54 import           Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal         (Buffer, defaultChunkSize, newBuffer)
   55 import           Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim             (FixedPrim, primFixed, (>$<), (>*<))
   56 import           Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim.Internal    (fixedPrim, size)
   57 import           System.IO.Streams                        (InputStream, OutputStream)
   58 import qualified System.IO.Streams                        as Streams
   59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   60 import qualified Paths_snap_server                        as V
   61 import           Snap.Core                                (EscapeSnap (..))
   62 import           Snap.Core                                (Snap, runSnap)
   63 import           Snap.Internal.Core                       (fixupResponse)
   64 import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Clock          (getClockTime)
   65 import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Common         (eatException)
   66 import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Date           (getDateString)
   67 import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Parser         (IRequest (..), getStdConnection, getStdContentLength, getStdContentType, getStdCookie, getStdHost, getStdTransferEncoding, parseCookie, parseRequest, parseUrlEncoded, readChunkedTransferEncoding, writeChunkedTransferEncoding)
   68 import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Thread         (SnapThread)
   69 import qualified Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Thread         as Thread
   70 import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server.TimeoutManager (TimeoutManager)
   71 import qualified Snap.Internal.Http.Server.TimeoutManager as TM
   72 import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Types          (AcceptFunc (..), PerSessionData (..), SendFileHandler, ServerConfig (..), ServerHandler)
   73 import           Snap.Internal.Http.Types                 (Cookie (..), HttpVersion, Method (..), Request (..), Response (..), ResponseBody (..), StreamProc, getHeader, headers, rspBodyToEnum, updateHeaders)
   74 import           Snap.Internal.Parsing                    (unsafeFromNat)
   75 import           Snap.Types.Headers                       (Headers)
   76 import qualified Snap.Types.Headers                       as H
   77 import           System.IO.Unsafe                         (unsafePerformIO)
   80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   81 data TerminateSessionException = TerminateSessionException SomeException
   82   deriving (Typeable, Show)
   83 instance Exception TerminateSessionException
   85 data BadRequestException = BadRequestException
   86   deriving (Typeable, Show)
   87 instance Exception BadRequestException
   89 data LengthRequiredException = LengthRequiredException
   90   deriving (Typeable, Show)
   91 instance Exception LengthRequiredException
   94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   95 snapToServerHandler :: Snap a -> ServerHandler hookState
   96 snapToServerHandler !snap !serverConfig !perSessionData !req =
   97     runSnap snap logErr tickle req
   98   where
   99     logErr = _logError serverConfig . byteString
  100     tickle = _twiddleTimeout perSessionData
  103 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104 mAX_HEADERS_SIZE :: Int64
  105 mAX_HEADERS_SIZE = 256 * 1024
  108 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109 -- | For each cpu, we store:
  110 --    * An accept thread
  111 --    * A TimeoutManager
  112 --    * An mvar to signal when the timeout thread is shutdown
  113 data EventLoopCpu = EventLoopCpu
  114     { _acceptThread   :: SnapThread
  115     , _timeoutManager :: TimeoutManager
  116     }
  119 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120 -- | The main Snap webserver loop. Given a server handler, configuration, and a
  121 -- function to accept new connections, runs an HTTP loop forever over N
  122 -- threads, until a ThreadKilled exception is received.
  123 httpAcceptLoop :: forall hookState .
  124                   ServerHandler hookState  -- ^ server handler
  125                -> ServerConfig hookState   -- ^ server config
  126                -> AcceptFunc               -- ^ accept function
  127                -> IO ()
  128 httpAcceptLoop serverHandler serverConfig acceptFunc = runLoops
  129   where
  130     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131     logError       = _logError serverConfig
  132     nLoops         = _numAcceptLoops serverConfig
  133     defaultTimeout = _defaultTimeout serverConfig
  135     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136     logException :: Exception e => e -> IO ()
  137     logException e =
  138         logError $
  139         mconcat [ byteString "got exception in httpAcceptFunc: "
  140                 , fromShow e
  141                 ]
  143     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144     runLoops = E.bracket (mapM newLoop [0 .. (nLoops - 1)])
  145                          (mapM_ killLoop)
  146                          (mapM_ waitLoop)
  148     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  149     loop :: TimeoutManager
  150          -> (forall a. IO a -> IO a)
  151          -> IO ()
  152     loop tm loopRestore = eatException go
  153       where
  154         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  155         handlers =
  156             [ Handler $ \(e :: AsyncException) -> loopRestore (E.throwIO $! e)
  157             , Handler $ \(e :: SomeException)  -> logException e >> go
  158             ]
  160         go = do
  161             (sendFileHandler, localAddress, localPort, remoteAddress,
  162              remotePort, readEnd, writeEnd,
  163              cleanup) <- runAcceptFunc acceptFunc loopRestore
  164                                        `E.catches` handlers
  165             let threadLabel = S.concat [ "snap-server: client "
  166                                        , remoteAddress
  167                                        , ":"
  168                                        , S.pack $ show remotePort
  169                                        ]
  170             thMVar <- newEmptyMVar
  171             th <- TM.register tm threadLabel $ \restore ->
  172                     eatException $
  173                     prep thMVar sendFileHandler localAddress localPort remoteAddress
  174                          remotePort readEnd writeEnd cleanup restore
  175             putMVar thMVar th
  176             go
  178         prep :: MVar TM.TimeoutThread
  179              -> SendFileHandler
  180              -> ByteString
  181              -> Int
  182              -> ByteString
  183              -> Int
  184              -> InputStream ByteString
  185              -> OutputStream ByteString
  186              -> IO ()
  187              -> (forall a . IO a -> IO a)
  188              -> IO ()
  189         prep thMVar sendFileHandler localAddress localPort remoteAddress
  190              remotePort readEnd writeEnd cleanup restore =
  191           do
  192             connClose <- newIORef False
  193             newConn   <- newIORef True
  194             let twiddleTimeout = unsafePerformIO $ do
  195                     th <- readMVar thMVar
  196                     return $ TM.modify th
  198             let !psd = PerSessionData connClose
  199                                       twiddleTimeout
  200                                       newConn
  201                                       sendFileHandler
  202                                       localAddress
  203                                       localPort
  204                                       remoteAddress
  205                                       remotePort
  206                                       readEnd
  207                                       writeEnd
  208             restore (session psd) `E.finally` cleanup
  210     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211     session psd = do
  212         buffer <- newBuffer defaultChunkSize
  213         httpSession buffer serverHandler serverConfig psd
  215     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  216     newLoop cpu = E.mask_ $ do
  217         -- TODO(greg): move constant into config
  218         tm  <- TM.initialize (fromIntegral defaultTimeout) 2 getClockTime
  219         let threadLabel = S.concat [ "snap-server: accept loop #"
  220                                    , S.pack $ show cpu
  221                                    ]
  223         tid <- Thread.forkOn threadLabel cpu $ loop tm
  224         return $! EventLoopCpu tid tm
  226     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  227     waitLoop (EventLoopCpu tid _) = Thread.wait tid
  229     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  230     killLoop ev = E.uninterruptibleMask_ $ do
  231         Thread.cancelAndWait tid
  232         TM.stop tm
  233       where
  234         tid = _acceptThread ev
  235         tm  = _timeoutManager ev
  237 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  238 httpSession :: forall hookState .
  239                Buffer
  240             -> ServerHandler hookState
  241             -> ServerConfig hookState
  242             -> PerSessionData
  243             -> IO ()
  244 httpSession !buffer !serverHandler !config !sessionData = loop
  245   where
  246     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  247     defaultTimeout          = _defaultTimeout config
  248     isSecure                = _isSecure config
  249     localHostname           = _localHostname config
  250     logAccess               = _logAccess config
  251     logError                = _logError config
  252     newRequestHook          = _onNewRequest config
  253     parseHook               = _onParse config
  254     userHandlerFinishedHook = _onUserHandlerFinished config
  255     dataFinishedHook        = _onDataFinished config
  256     exceptionHook           = _onException config
  257     escapeHook              = _onEscape config
  259     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  260     forceConnectionClose    = _forceConnectionClose sessionData
  261     isNewConnection         = _isNewConnection sessionData
  262     localAddress            = _localAddress sessionData
  263     localPort               = _localPort sessionData
  264     remoteAddress           = _remoteAddress sessionData
  265     remotePort              = _remotePort sessionData
  266     readEnd                 = _readEnd sessionData
  267     tickle f                = _twiddleTimeout sessionData f
  268     writeEnd                = _writeEnd sessionData
  269     sendfileHandler         = _sendfileHandler sessionData
  271     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  272     mkBuffer :: IO (OutputStream Builder)
  273     mkBuffer = Streams.unsafeBuilderStream (return buffer) writeEnd
  275     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276     -- Begin HTTP session processing.
  277     loop :: IO ()
  278     loop = do
  279         -- peek first to ensure startHook gets generated at the right time.
  280         readEndAtEof >>= (flip unless $ do
  281             hookState <- newRequestHook sessionData >>= newIORef
  282             -- parse HTTP request
  283             req <- receiveRequest
  284             parseHook hookState req
  285             processRequest hookState req)
  287     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  288     readEndAtEof = Streams.read readEnd >>=
  289                    maybe (return True)
  290                          (\c -> if S.null c
  291                                   then readEndAtEof
  292                                   else Streams.unRead c readEnd >> return False)
  293     {-# INLINE readEndAtEof #-}
  295     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  296     -- Read the HTTP request from the socket, parse it, and pre-process it.
  297     receiveRequest :: IO Request
  298     receiveRequest = {-# SCC "httpSession/receiveRequest" #-} do
  299         readEnd' <- Streams.throwIfProducesMoreThan mAX_HEADERS_SIZE readEnd
  300         parseRequest readEnd' >>= toRequest
  301     {-# INLINE receiveRequest #-}
  303     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  304     toRequest :: IRequest -> IO Request
  305     toRequest !ireq = {-# SCC "httpSession/toRequest" #-} do
  306         -- HTTP spec section 14.23: "All Internet-based HTTP/1.1 servers MUST
  307         -- respond with a 400 (Bad Request) status code to any HTTP/1.1 request
  308         -- message which lacks a Host header field."
  309         --
  310         -- Here we interpret this slightly more liberally: if an absolute URI
  311         -- including a hostname is given in the request line, we'll take that
  312         -- if there's no Host header.
  313         --
  314         -- For HTTP/1.0 requests, we pick the configured local hostname by
  315         -- default.
  316         host <- maybe (if isHttp11
  317                          then badRequestWithNoHost
  318                          else return localHostname)
  319                       return mbHost
  321         -- Call setupReadEnd, which handles transfer-encoding: chunked or
  322         -- content-length restrictions, etc
  323         !readEnd' <- setupReadEnd
  325         -- Parse an application/x-www-form-urlencoded form, if it was sent
  326         (!readEnd'', postParams) <- parseForm readEnd'
  328         let allParams = Map.unionWith (++) queryParams postParams
  330         -- Decide whether the connection should be closed after the response is
  331         -- sent (stored in the forceConnectionClose IORef).
  332         checkConnectionClose version $ getStdConnection stdHdrs
  334         -- The request is now ready for processing.
  335         return $! Request host
  336                           remoteAddress
  337                           remotePort
  338                           localAddress
  339                           localPort
  340                           localHost
  341                           isSecure
  342                           hdrs
  343                           readEnd''
  344                           mbCL
  345                           method
  346                           version
  347                           cookies
  348                           pathInfo
  349                           contextPath
  350                           uri
  351                           queryString
  352                           allParams
  353                           queryParams
  354                           postParams
  356       where
  357         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  358         !method       = iMethod ireq
  359         !version      = iHttpVersion ireq
  360         !stdHdrs      = iStdHeaders ireq
  361         !hdrs         = iRequestHeaders ireq
  363         !isHttp11     = version >= (1, 1)
  365         !mbHost       = getStdHost stdHdrs
  366         !localHost    = fromMaybe localHostname mbHost
  367         mbCL          = unsafeFromNat <$>
  368                         getStdContentLength stdHdrs
  369         !isChunked    = (CI.mk <$> getStdTransferEncoding stdHdrs)
  370                             == Just "chunked"
  371         cookies       = fromMaybe [] (getStdCookie stdHdrs >>= parseCookie)
  372         contextPath   = "/"
  373         !uri          = iRequestUri ireq
  374         queryParams   = parseUrlEncoded queryString
  375         emptyParams   = Map.empty
  377         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  378         (pathInfo, queryString) = first dropLeadingSlash . second (S.drop 1)
  379                                     $ S.break (== '?') uri
  381         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  382         dropLeadingSlash s = if S.null s
  383                                then s
  384                                else let !a = S.unsafeIndex s 0
  385                                     in if a == 47   -- 47 == '/'
  386                                          then S.unsafeDrop 1 s
  387                                          else s
  388         {-# INLINE dropLeadingSlash #-}
  390         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  391         -- | We have to transform the read end of the socket, to limit the
  392         -- number of bytes read to the content-length, to decode chunked
  393         -- transfer encoding, or to immediately yield EOF if the request body
  394         -- is empty.
  395         setupReadEnd :: IO (InputStream ByteString)
  396         setupReadEnd =
  397             if isChunked
  398               then readChunkedTransferEncoding readEnd
  399               else maybe (const noContentLength)
  400                          (Streams.takeBytes . fromIntegral) mbCL readEnd
  401         {-# INLINE setupReadEnd #-}
  403         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  404         -- | If a request is not in chunked transfer encoding and lacks a
  405         -- content-length, the request body is null string.
  406         noContentLength :: IO (InputStream ByteString)
  407         noContentLength = do
  408             when (method == POST || method == PUT) return411
  409             Streams.fromList []
  411         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  412         return411 = do
  413             let (major, minor) = version
  414             let resp = mconcat [ byteString "HTTP/"
  415                                , fromShow major
  416                                , char8 '.'
  417                                , fromShow minor
  418                                , byteString " 411 Length Required\r\n\r\n"
  419                                , byteString "411 Length Required\r\n"
  420                                , flush
  421                                ]
  422             writeEndB <- mkBuffer
  423             Streams.write (Just resp) writeEndB
  424             Streams.write Nothing writeEndB
  425             terminateSession LengthRequiredException
  427         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  428         parseForm readEnd' = if hasForm
  429                                then getForm
  430                                else return (readEnd', emptyParams)
  431           where
  432             trimIt  = fst . S.spanEnd (== ' ') . S.takeWhile (/= ';')
  433                           . S.dropWhile (== ' ')
  434             mbCT    = trimIt <$> getStdContentType stdHdrs
  435             hasForm = mbCT == Just "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  437             mAX_POST_BODY_SIZE = 1024 * 1024
  439             getForm = do
  440                 readEnd'' <- Streams.throwIfProducesMoreThan
  441                                mAX_POST_BODY_SIZE readEnd'
  442                 contents  <- S.concat <$> Streams.toList readEnd''
  443                 let postParams = parseUrlEncoded contents
  444                 finalReadEnd <- Streams.fromList [contents]
  445                 return (finalReadEnd, postParams)
  447     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  448     checkConnectionClose version connection = do
  449         -- For HTTP/1.1: if there is an explicit Connection: close, we'll close
  450         -- the socket later.
  451         --
  452         -- For HTTP/1.0: if there is no explicit Connection: Keep-Alive,
  453         -- close the socket later.
  454         let v = CI.mk <$> connection
  455         when ((version == (1, 1) && v == Just "close") ||
  456               (version == (1, 0) && v /= Just "keep-alive")) $
  457               writeIORef forceConnectionClose True
  459     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  460     {-# INLINE badRequestWithNoHost #-}
  461     badRequestWithNoHost :: IO a
  462     badRequestWithNoHost = do
  463         let msg = mconcat [
  464                     byteString "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n"
  465                   , byteString "400 Bad Request: HTTP/1.1 request with no "
  466                   , byteString "Host header\r\n"
  467                   , flush
  468                   ]
  469         writeEndB <- mkBuffer
  470         Streams.write (Just msg) writeEndB
  471         Streams.write Nothing writeEndB
  472         terminateSession BadRequestException
  474     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  475     {-# INLINE checkExpect100Continue #-}
  476     checkExpect100Continue req =
  477         when (getHeader "expect" req == Just "100-continue") $ do
  478             let v = if rqVersion req == (1,1) then "HTTP/1.1" else "HTTP/1.0"
  480             let hl = byteString v                       <>
  481                      byteString " 100 Continue\r\n\r\n" <>
  482                      flush
  483             os <- mkBuffer
  484             Streams.write (Just hl) os
  486     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  487     {-# INLINE processRequest #-}
  488     processRequest !hookState !req = {-# SCC "httpSession/processRequest" #-} do
  489         -- successfully parsed a request, so restart the timer
  490         tickle $ max defaultTimeout
  492         -- check for Expect: 100-continue
  493         checkExpect100Continue req
  494         b <- runServerHandler hookState req
  495                `E.catches` [ Handler $ escapeSnapHandler hookState
  496                            , Handler $
  497                              catchUserException hookState "user handler" req
  498                            ]
  499         if b
  500           then do writeIORef isNewConnection False
  501                   -- the timer resets to its default value here.
  502                   loop
  503           else return $! ()
  505     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  506     {-# INLINE runServerHandler #-}
  507     runServerHandler !hookState !req = {-# SCC "httpSession/runServerHandler" #-} do
  508         (_, rsp0) <- serverHandler config sessionData req
  509         userHandlerFinishedHook hookState req rsp0
  511         -- check whether we should close the connection after sending the
  512         -- response
  513         let v      = rqVersion req
  514         let is_1_0 = (v == (1,0))
  515         cc <- if is_1_0 && (isNothing $ rspContentLength rsp0)
  516                 then return $! True
  517                 else readIORef forceConnectionClose
  519         -- skip unread portion of request body if rspTransformingRqBody is not
  520         -- true
  521         unless (rspTransformingRqBody rsp0) $ Streams.skipToEof (rqBody req)
  523         !date <- getDateString
  524         rsp1  <- fixupResponse req rsp0
  525         let (!hdrs, !cc') = addDateAndServerHeaders is_1_0 date cc $
  526                             headers rsp1
  527         let rsp = updateHeaders (const hdrs) rsp1
  528         writeIORef forceConnectionClose cc'
  529         bytesSent <- sendResponse req rsp `E.catch`
  530                      catchUserException hookState "sending-response" req
  531         dataFinishedHook hookState req rsp
  532         logAccess req rsp bytesSent
  533         return $! not cc'
  535     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  536     addDateAndServerHeaders !is1_0 !date !cc !hdrs =
  537         {-# SCC "addDateAndServerHeaders" #-}
  538         let (!hdrs', !newcc) = go [("date",date)] False cc
  539                                  $ H.unsafeToCaseFoldedList hdrs
  540         in (H.unsafeFromCaseFoldedList hdrs', newcc)
  541       where
  542         -- N.B.: here we know the date header has already been removed by
  543         -- "fixupResponse".
  544         go !l !seenServer !connClose [] =
  545             let !l1 = if seenServer then l else (("server", sERVER_HEADER):l)
  546                 !l2 = if connClose then (("connection", "close"):l1) else l1
  547             in (l2, connClose)
  548         go l _ c (x@("server",_):xs) = go (x:l) True c xs
  549         go l seenServer c (x@("connection", v):xs)
  550               | c = go l seenServer c xs
  551               | v == "close" || (is1_0 && v /= "keep-alive") =
  552                      go l seenServer True xs
  553               | otherwise = go (x:l) seenServer c xs
  554         go l seenServer c (x:xs) = go (x:l) seenServer c xs
  556     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  557     escapeSnapHandler hookState (EscapeHttp escapeHandler) = do
  558         escapeHook hookState
  559         mkBuffer >>= escapeHandler tickle readEnd
  560         return False
  561     escapeSnapHandler _ (TerminateConnection e) = terminateSession e
  563     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  564     catchUserException :: IORef hookState
  565                        -> ByteString
  566                        -> Request
  567                        -> SomeException
  568                        -> IO a
  569     catchUserException hookState phase req e = do
  570         logError $ mconcat [
  571             byteString "Exception leaked to httpSession during phase '"
  572           , byteString phase
  573           , byteString "': \n"
  574           , requestErrorMessage req e
  575           ]
  576         -- Note: the handler passed to httpSession needs to catch its own
  577         -- exceptions if it wants to avoid an ungracious exit here.
  578         eatException $ exceptionHook hookState e
  579         terminateSession e
  581     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  582     sendResponse :: Request -> Response -> IO Word64
  583     sendResponse !req !rsp = {-# SCC "httpSession/sendResponse" #-} do
  584         let !v          = rqVersion req
  585         let !hdrs'      = renderCookies rsp (headers rsp)
  586         let !code       = rspStatus rsp
  587         let body        = rspBody rsp
  588         let needChunked = rqMethod req /= HEAD
  589                             && isNothing (rspContentLength rsp)
  590                             && code /= 204
  591                             && code /= 304
  593         let (hdrs'', body', shouldClose) = if needChunked
  594                                              then noCL req hdrs' body
  595                                              else (hdrs', body, False)
  597         when shouldClose $ writeIORef forceConnectionClose $! True
  598         let hdrPrim       = mkHeaderPrim v rsp hdrs''
  599         let hlen          = size hdrPrim
  600         let headerBuilder = primFixed hdrPrim $! ()
  602         nBodyBytes <- case body' of
  603                         Stream s ->
  604                             whenStream headerBuilder hlen rsp s
  605                         SendFile f Nothing ->
  606                             whenSendFile headerBuilder rsp f 0
  607                         -- ignore end length here because we know we had a
  608                         -- content-length, use that instead.
  609                         SendFile f (Just (st, _)) ->
  610                             whenSendFile headerBuilder rsp f st
  611         return $! nBodyBytes - fromIntegral hlen
  613     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  614     noCL :: Request
  615          -> Headers
  616          -> ResponseBody
  617          -> (Headers, ResponseBody, Bool)
  618     noCL req hdrs body =
  619         if v == (1,1)
  620           then let origBody = rspBodyToEnum body
  621                    body'    = \os -> do
  622                                  os' <- writeChunkedTransferEncoding os
  623                                  origBody os'
  624                in ( H.set "transfer-encoding" "chunked" hdrs
  625                   , Stream body'
  626                   , False)
  627           else
  628             -- We've already noted that we have to close the socket earlier in
  629             -- runServerHandler.
  630             (hdrs, body, True)
  631       where
  632         v = rqVersion req
  633     {-# INLINE noCL #-}
  635     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  636     -- | If the response contains a content-length, make sure the response body
  637     -- StreamProc doesn't yield more (or fewer) than the given number of bytes.
  638     limitRspBody :: Int                      -- ^ header length
  639                  -> Response                 -- ^ response
  640                  -> OutputStream ByteString  -- ^ write end of socket
  641                  -> IO (OutputStream ByteString)
  642     limitRspBody hlen rsp os = maybe (return os) f $ rspContentLength rsp
  643       where
  644         f cl = Streams.giveExactly (fromIntegral hlen + fromIntegral cl) os
  645     {-# INLINE limitRspBody #-}
  647     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  648     whenStream :: Builder       -- ^ headers
  649                -> Int           -- ^ header length
  650                -> Response      -- ^ response
  651                -> StreamProc    -- ^ output body
  652                -> IO Word64      -- ^ returns number of bytes written
  653     whenStream headerString hlen rsp body = do
  654         -- note:
  655         --
  656         --  * precondition here is that we have a content-length and that we're
  657         --    not using chunked transfer encoding.
  658         --
  659         --  * "headerString" includes http status line.
  660         --
  661         -- If you're transforming the request body, you have to manage your own
  662         -- timeouts.
  663         let t = if rspTransformingRqBody rsp
  664                   then return $! ()
  665                   else tickle $ max defaultTimeout
  666         writeEnd0 <- Streams.ignoreEof writeEnd
  667         (writeEnd1, getCount) <- Streams.countOutput writeEnd0
  668         writeEnd2 <- limitRspBody hlen rsp writeEnd1
  669         writeEndB <- Streams.unsafeBuilderStream (return buffer) writeEnd2 >>=
  670                      Streams.contramapM (\x -> t >> return x)
  672         Streams.write (Just headerString) writeEndB
  673         writeEnd' <- body writeEndB
  674         Streams.write Nothing writeEnd'
  675         -- Just in case the user handler didn't.
  676         Streams.write Nothing writeEnd1
  677         n <- getCount
  678         return $! fromIntegral n - fromIntegral hlen
  679     {-# INLINE whenStream #-}
  681     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  682     whenSendFile :: Builder     -- ^ headers
  683                  -> Response    -- ^ response
  684                  -> FilePath    -- ^ file to serve
  685                  -> Word64      -- ^ file start offset
  686                  -> IO Word64   -- ^ returns number of bytes written
  687     whenSendFile headerString rsp filePath offset = do
  688         let !cl = fromJust $ rspContentLength rsp
  689         sendfileHandler buffer headerString filePath offset cl
  690         return cl
  691     {-# INLINE whenSendFile #-}
  694 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  695 mkHeaderLine :: HttpVersion -> Response -> FixedPrim ()
  696 mkHeaderLine outVer r =
  697     case outCode of
  698         200 | outVer == (1, 1) ->
  699                   -- typo in bytestring here
  700                   fixedPrim 17 $ const (void . cpBS "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n")
  701         200 | otherwise ->
  702                   fixedPrim 17 $ const (void . cpBS "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n")
  703         _ -> fixedPrim len $ const (void . line)
  704   where
  705     outCode = rspStatus r
  707     v = if outVer == (1,1) then "HTTP/1.1 " else "HTTP/1.0 "
  709     outCodeStr = S.pack $ show outCode
  710     space !op = do
  711         pokeByteOff op 0 (32 :: Word8)
  712         return $! plusPtr op 1
  714     line = cpBS v >=> cpBS outCodeStr >=> space >=> cpBS reason
  715                   >=> crlfPoke
  717     reason = rspStatusReason r
  718     len = 12 + S.length outCodeStr + S.length reason
  721 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  722 mkHeaderPrim :: HttpVersion -> Response -> Headers -> FixedPrim ()
  723 mkHeaderPrim v r hdrs = mkHeaderLine v r <+> headersToPrim hdrs
  726 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  727 infixl 4 <+>
  728 (<+>) :: FixedPrim () -> FixedPrim () -> FixedPrim ()
  729 p1 <+> p2 = ignore >$< p1 >*< p2
  730   where
  731     ignore = join (,)
  734 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  735 {-# INLINE headersToPrim #-}
  736 headersToPrim :: Headers -> FixedPrim ()
  737 headersToPrim hdrs = fixedPrim len (const copy)
  738   where
  739     len = H.foldedFoldl' f 0 hdrs + 2
  740       where
  741         f l k v = l + S.length k + S.length v + 4
  743     copy = go $ H.unsafeToCaseFoldedList hdrs
  745     go []         !op = void $ crlfPoke op
  746     go ((k,v):xs) !op = do
  747         !op'  <- cpBS k op
  748         pokeByteOff op' 0 (58 :: Word8)  -- colon
  749         pokeByteOff op' 1 (32 :: Word8)  -- space
  750         !op''  <- cpBS v $ plusPtr op' 2
  751         crlfPoke op'' >>= go xs
  754 {-# INLINE cpBS #-}
  755 cpBS :: ByteString -> Ptr Word8 -> IO (Ptr Word8)
  756 cpBS s !op = S.unsafeUseAsCStringLen s $ \(cstr, clen) -> do
  757                 let !cl = fromIntegral clen
  758                 copyBytes op (castPtr cstr) cl
  759                 return $! plusPtr op cl
  761 {-# INLINE crlfPoke #-}
  762 crlfPoke :: Ptr Word8 -> IO (Ptr Word8)
  763 crlfPoke !op = do
  764     pokeByteOff op 0 (13 :: Word8)  -- cr
  765     pokeByteOff op 1 (10 :: Word8)  -- lf
  766     return $! plusPtr op 2
  769 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  770 sERVER_HEADER :: ByteString
  771 sERVER_HEADER = S.concat ["Snap/", snapServerVersion]
  774 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  775 snapServerVersion :: ByteString
  776 snapServerVersion = S.pack $ showVersion $ V.version
  779 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  780 terminateSession :: Exception e => e -> IO a
  781 terminateSession = E.throwIO . TerminateSessionException . SomeException
  784 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  785 requestErrorMessage :: Request -> SomeException -> Builder
  786 requestErrorMessage req e =
  787     mconcat [ byteString "During processing of request from "
  788             , byteString $ rqClientAddr req
  789             , byteString ":"
  790             , fromShow $ rqClientPort req
  791             , byteString "\nrequest:\n"
  792             , fromShow $ show req
  793             , byteString "\n"
  794             , msgB
  795             ]
  796   where
  797     msgB = mconcat [
  798              byteString "A web handler threw an exception. Details:\n"
  799            , fromShow e
  800            ]
  803 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  804 -- | Convert 'Cookie' into 'ByteString' for output.
  805 cookieToBS :: Cookie -> ByteString
  806 cookieToBS (Cookie k v mbExpTime mbDomain mbPath isSec isHOnly) = cookie
  807   where
  808     cookie  = S.concat [k, "=", v, path, exptime, domain, secure, hOnly]
  809     path    = maybe "" (S.append "; path=") mbPath
  810     domain  = maybe "" (S.append "; domain=") mbDomain
  811     exptime = maybe "" (S.append "; expires=" . fmt) mbExpTime
  812     secure  = if isSec then "; Secure" else ""
  813     hOnly   = if isHOnly then "; HttpOnly" else ""
  814     fmt     = S.pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale
  815                                   "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT"
  818 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  819 renderCookies :: Response -> Headers -> Headers
  820 renderCookies r hdrs
  821     | null cookies = hdrs
  822     | otherwise = foldl' (\m v -> H.unsafeInsert "set-cookie" v m) hdrs cookies
  824   where
  825     cookies = fmap cookieToBS . Map.elems $ rspCookies r
  827 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  828 fromShow :: Show a => a -> Builder
  829 fromShow = stringUtf8 . show